archived-videos The Marksman 2

Hey everyone,
Haven't posted in a really long time, but I figured I would show something I threw together yesterday.

Some of you may remember my first short "The Marksman". This is the same type of thing. BTW, sorry about the file size... I haven't upgraded to quicktime pro 7 quite yet, so I don't have all the compression options available to me.

The Marksman 2
30.1 MB



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Massive file! :lol:

Some interesting angles there, for some of the shots. (Looks like auto-exposure was changing in a few spots mid-take, as well).

You need to work on the story-telling aspect, good sir. There is only so far style can take a film.

You still using that digital still-camera's recording mode?
Not bad for being shot on a still camera. I'll echo Zen and say there's not much story here, but you did have some interesting shots.
