archived-videos The Legend Has Begun

First Video Journal from film production

Though the movie trailer is not out yet for The Legend of Ecco Kingdom, the film crew and myself have put together some video journals about the production of the project thus far. It is 33mb and you can view it by clicking the link or by right clicking and selecting save as.

The first Video Journal that will be displayed is still in rough form and is available on a temporary web server but is one of the things to be expected this summer on the web site of the film. I hope you all enjoy the video journals that we have produced for you all. The first one pertains to what will go into the visual effects stage.

I hope you all enjoy

So here is the link

Spencer Floyd
Hazard Films Ltd. Productions :)
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That's boardmember Leo, in the vid. :)

He's the guy that did that totally kickass special-effects reel for himself, complete with cloning himself, lightsaber duels (with himself), and super-fast leaps.

He's a good kid, with lots of talent. :cool:
Saw the trailer un cut lastnight with the producer and man I tell ya it was KICK ASS.. now its off to get all the other work put in... Hazard is a damn good director and he will go fare.

I saw the whole trailer and it was very interesting. I was surprised at the beginning because my first view of the site was a big blue Q. It then took about a minute or so to load and begin playing. I would never try to do something like this because I would rather find a site that was already in existence. What program did you use to do the animations?