archived-videos The Killing Hand Trailer Action/Drama/Suspense

The film synopsis is:

Walking in the shadow of his past, Bruce searches for purpose
and acceptance on the streets of the city.

They are home to the Killing Hand – a band of thieves and killers
whose ruthless leader conspires to rule the city
through intimidation and fear.

Bruce must endure the trials of the gang, and face the
painful truth of his past.

His only hope of salvation is the priest who took pity on him.
Can he truly repent, or will he surrender
and pursue sin like an addiction?

It is said that there is evil inherent in all men.
Some renounce it. Others embrace it.

How far would you go to justify your evil?

Thanks for your comments
How did you get Billy Ray Cyrus to be in your movie?

Just Kidding. I think I've commented on an earlier trailer for this same flick. I found it really dark and I couldn't see what was going one throughout most of the trailer. Some of the fighting looks good, some looks bad. It's a story that has been done before, but I like the message.
