The Hurt Locker

The Hurt Locker is a new movie out in limited release in theaters. It follows three U.S. soldiers in Iraq who's job is to disarm bombs. This movie has amazing performances, especially from Jeremy Renner. It is incredibly suspenseful has full 3D characters. The director Kathryn Bigelow used music perfectly. The bomb disarming scenes are short on the music so you can feel like you are there and you are thinking what the soldiers are thinking. This movie was absolutely amazing and best of's an indie! It's my favorite movie as of right now and I was wondering if anybody else has seen it and what they thought. And if you haven't seen it, go. Stop what you are doing and go see this movie.
Yes it's in limited release but I downloaded a very nice copy of it. I know that is illegal and I will be buying a copy of the dvd to show my support once it comes out.
I saw it last week sometime I think. I was really impressed by the odd suspense it created.

I started to give examples, but I don't want people to go into the movie expecting to be faked out so I won't mention specific things! Great editing and creating that suspense though.

I thought the ending was a bit weak, like they gave up.