The Easter Bunny Hates You

HA! I think I've seen that before.. or something very similar... not sure if it was just me or not, but the video was all flickery for me, like there was an overlay that couldn't decide if it wanted to be in front or behind or something.. very strange, but good flick! (And good thing I'm not prone to epileptic seizure I guess, due to the flickering)
In the UK we had a show a few years back called Trigger Happy TV, where Dom Jolly did this lots.

He did a hilarious one where two people in DOG SUITS were beating each other senseless in a London Alley.

He then filmed passer-by reactions.

Very funny and telling of human nature at the same time.
clive said:
In the UK we had a show a few years back called Trigger Happy TV, where Dom Jolly did this lots.

He did a hilarious one where two people in DOG SUITS were beating each other senseless in a London Alley.

He then filmed passer-by reactions.

Very funny and telling of human nature at the same time.
I love this show. Silly stuff like yelling on huge cell phone, or holding a sign that says "the end is near", and a few steps later, the devil holding a sign that says "the end"... and of course, stuffed animals beating the crap out of each other. Great stuff.
I remember Trigger Happy TV.

The only thing I ever laughed at hysterically was the two people in bunny suits humping each other in a movie theatre while some movie was playing.

The expressions on the other viewers was priceless.
I dont know what's funnier. The guy walking into the elevator and getting slammed against the wall or the girl who sees the bunny beating on a guy at street level, turns to run out the door and turns back and Mr Bunny is already staring in her 3rd story window.

Funny as hell!:yes:
I just hope there's a sequel... "Revenge of the Thanksgiving Turkey"

Perhaps one with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer too where we find that red nose of his shoots deadly red lasers. :lol:

Ugh, my imagination is going crazy again!