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watch THE COUNSIL: Prologue for upcoming Web Series


A commercial Web Series I'm Directing/Shooting for a new premium men's clothing line "The Counsil". There is a pretty intense global back story to it that will unfold as each episode comes out. It focuses on the story behind the Head of The Counsil and how The Counsil came to be, this is just a prologue for the here and now setting, the style and faces of the characters. Episode 1 will be out in about two weeks and that's where the real fun begins! The people behind the brand including the creative director and lead designer of the line are giving me a lot of creative freedom to take some risks and do some seriously fun stuff for this web series...so I am very excited about what's to come. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

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Nice shots. I love black and white, although this shows the
limitiations of just taking out the color as opposed to shooting
on blank and white film. But it still looks great!

It’s kind of long and while it does show off the capabilities of
shooting with the 7D and your locations and vehicles it doesn’t
look like anything other than a commercial. A commercial for a
product I can’t identify. It doesn’t make me want to watch any
more. Maybe some of the fun should start in the prologue.

I looked up “counsil” and couldn’t find any definition. What is a
WOW!!! That was amazing. Love the story, I feel like if you guys do more it will come together with some crazy resolution. As For the comment above, obviously they do not want you to know what they are going for because of the, "what we do is secret" caption. Forget the bad critics and keep doing what your doing!! Hey I also heard you guys might be getting some cameos because there are some big names behind this brand. I heard through the grapevine JAY-Z might be involved. Who knows??? Can't wait to see the next COUNSIL episode!!
Okay. I call foul!

reblrock signs up the same day ajjax posts. Posts ONE time to not
only praise this video but dismisses me as a “bad critic”. It must
be me because there are two comments and fry112 didn’t criticize

If “they” don’t want me to know anything about the project, that’s
fine. If “they” don’t want any comments, that’s fine. If all
“they” want is to post their work and have nothing put praise,
that’s fine, too.

I say show your fellow filmmakers some respect and tell us that up

So reblrock, how are you connected to ajjax and this project? And
what is a “counsil”? Is it being a bad critic to ask any questions
about this video?
Wow. That has some serious production value. Who's the rich uncle? lol...I'm kidding....sorta.

No but really. Some great locations, props, and cars. And I love the 7D's look.

So these people are like an Xmen type of people...without the powers. Major funding...secrets to keep...a city to protect (or destroy)? I must admit I want to see more only because it's independent with such high production value...not because I'm intrigued by the story...just my thoughts. It's a car commercial aimed at the rich and prosperous at the moment. The photography is great, I will say that.

Great look. I might have gone color instead myself...but b&w works too.

Ps. And yes, I call foul too, it's pretty obvious when someone signs up just to defend. This forum isn't to stoke each others egos...it's to share, network and learn...negative criticism is part of that deal.
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Ok, think what you want. I did sign up very recently, but does this mean my opinion is worthless? I just liked the video, that is all.
Ok, think what you want. I did sign up very recently, but does this mean my opinion is worthless? I just liked the video, that is all.

Nope. Your opinion isn't worthless. Your praise of this project
is suspect. If you are not part of the team or a friend of ajjax44
I would be surprised. I didn't say to "forget" what you said.
That's what you said about my opinion. I respect everyones

What you are missing is I think you should treat your fellow
filmmakers with respect and tell us your connection to ajjax44
and this project. We are all filmmakers here. We are all ready
and willing to support our fellow filmmakers. What most of us
don't like is this type of promotion; friends and associates of the
filmmaker signing up to praise their friends an associates and
put down anyone who doesn't praise them.

It makes the assumption that we are not very smart. We - your
fellow filmmakers - could be the first line of word of mouth. As all
three of us have said, this looks great. Isn't that why you posted
here? To show your fellow filmmakers your work and start some
buzz about it? Isn't it better to treat everyone with respect?

So reblrock, tell the whole truth. Are you just someone who likes
the video and that is all? Or are you somehow connected to the
people who put together this very beautifully shot prologue?
You are right. I am sorry for missing the point of your post. I actually had this video sent to me from a friend of a friend and that is my association. I have the utmost respect for my fellow filmmakers and when I feel they diverse praise, well by god, I give them praise. I am not trying to belittle your post, as you have valid points, I just felt is was a little harsh. I truly believe that you critiqued in a very literal and objective way and, being a GURU, I would think more attention would be set on analyzing the underlying meaning of this "commercial's" story rather then not liking it because it seems to be promoting a product. That is the way that I feel, maybe I am completely off the mark and just because I give praise and was asking the film maker a question about a rumor I had heard, you accuse me of being a schmuck? I was literally excited because I loved the BMW ads with Clive Owen and this gave me the same kind of feel, so feel free to keep butchering me I am not going to go run away and hide my opinions and limit my praise.
You are right. I am sorry for missing the point of your post. I actually had this video sent to me from a friend of a friend and that is my association. I have the utmost respect for my fellow filmmakers and when I feel they diverse praise, well by god, I give them praise. I am not trying to belittle your post, as you have valid points, I just felt is was a little harsh. I truly believe that you critiqued in a very literal and objective way and, being a GURU, I would think more attention would be set on analyzing the underlying meaning of this "commercial's" story rather then not liking it because it seems to be promoting a product. That is the way that I feel, maybe I am completely off the mark and just because I give praise and was asking the film maker a question about a rumor I had heard, you accuse me of being a schmuck? I was literally excited because I loved the BMW ads with Clive Owen and this gave me the same kind of feel, so feel free to keep butchering me I am not going to go run away and hide my opinions and limit my praise.

Since you have so much praise and appreciation in you, I have a couple shorts in the screening room section that I'd love some feedback on. That is, if you are interested in anyone's projects but your own ;)
I actually watched your experimental, first video you ever shot with your camera of the girls outside your window. No comment on that one. ; ))
We certainly have a communication problem.

No where have I called you names. Not “schmuck” or anything else.
No where have I “butchered” you. In fact I have told you I respect
your opinion. I was suspect of your motive, not your opinion.

You did belittle my post telling people to “forget” it.

I’m sorry you feel my post to ajaxx44 was harsh. But I can’t
understand how you got that. My opinion was it didn’t grab me and
I didn’t understand the story. I did critique it in a very literal
and objective way but I did not analyze the underlying meaning of
the story because I didn’t see a story. I said what I felt and I
praised the amazing camera work, the use of black and white, the
use of the vehicles and locations. And that, to you, is harsh? I
wonder if the director of this thinks I was harsh?

I see I was wrong. You are not connected to this production, this
web series or the director. Since you are new to this forum I know
you will look at and comment on some of the many movies, promos
and trailers posted here. I look forward to your participation in
this forum.

So a friend of a friend sent you the YouTube link to the video.
How did you get to indietalk? Why didn’t you comment on the
YouTube page? I’m not accusing you of anything, I see I was wrong
in your connection to ajjax44, I’m just curious.
I understand where you are coming from and you have valid pints as I stated. I guess when I am watching a film, reading a book, listening to music I am more interested in the underlying message that people are trying to get out. What were they feeling in the moment they were writing the story, what made them decide to make the creative choice they did. This is what I get excited about and interests me. I am sorry for saying to forget your comments, that was wrong for me to do that. As for getting defensive it is just a weird thing being accused, the way I was. I was an indie filmmaker in my previous years and have always loved film, especially film noir. Following, Sunset Blvd., Touch of Evil, The Big Sleep are some of my favorite and recently thought I would get back into it and see what other relevant indie filmmakers are doing and thinking.
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...Thanks for the comments people. I see I missed out on some interesting back and forth.

reblrock I pmed you so check your messages.

fry112 I didn't get yours in my inbox...can you resend?

M1chae1 I like where your head is at with the characters. You'll find out more as it progresses. The shadowy figure has a tumultuous past and the younger guys actually run the show now. That's about all I can say for the moment but if you guys liked this video but wanted more, stay tuned! We did this episode on spec and since it got a great response, now there will be another 8 episodes coming one at a time, that will begin going into the actual story and characters part of it. Will keep you posted with updates! Thanks for watching!
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Fair enough, reblrock.

On messageboards a rather common “marketing” technique is to post
a video then have several friends sign up and praise the video.
Many times the person posting the video will sign up under a few
names to praise their own video. I’m sure you can understand why
many of us feel this is disrespectful. Especially when they
belittle another opinion.

You just happened to sign up one day after ajjax44 posted for the
first time in two and a half years. And you happened to know a lot
about the project. And you dismissed my opinion as something to
forget. red flags went up. I’m glad I was wrong.

Now that we have cleared up the problems let me ask you something:

Do you really feel I called you a “schmuck”? Did my post really
come off as calling you names and butchering you?

Was my first post really harsh? I didn’t understand the story. I
truly, honestly, respectfully didn’t see a story among all the
excellent images, vehicles and locations. I was very careful to
not say there wasn’t a story or that the story was bad - only that
all I saw was a commercial and it didn’t compel me to watch more.
The director said the fun would begin in the first episode so I
suggested some fun start in the prologue.

I would love to become a better communicator. What could I have
said that would not be thought of as harsh?

And it would be cool to know how you found indietalk.

ajjax44, glad you’re back! I hope YOU didn’t think my reply was
harsh. Did you? So what is a “counsil”? I can’t find a meaning
Right, I do understand the situation and it is unfortunate. Nonetheless, I guess when I reviewed the film I did not assume that the events taking place were random and I figured the story, events, and details were put there on purpose to serve a point. And instead of having a civil conversation about why you thought I had a pre existing agenda, you affirmed the disjunct and proceeded to accuse me because of a list of variables: I joined the forum a day before the posting, seemed to know a lot about the project, and I replied and belittled your message because you were the only negative review so far. This is not fair grounds to accuse someone. I really think this situation is unavoidable sometimes and I am happy that you gave me the chance to explain myself, but next time maybe send a pm, instead of starting a smear campaign on a new member you assume to be a bad egg, because you know other members will take your side. This will not only ruin my rep but the filmmakers rep and that my friend is not fair to anyone. As for being harsh, I think that just because you do not understand the story line at this point in the series does not give you the right to judge or critique negatively. Why don't you ask questions about the story line instead of being rude. I am interested in your thoughts of someone like David Lynch. Did you not like Mulholland Drive? Or his web series Rabbits? Both which I think are brilliant, and both of which do not make sense on a literal platform. I have been viewing indietalk for a while, just never registered.
As for being harsh, I think that just because you do not understand the story line at this point in the series does not give you the right to judge or critique negatively. Why don't you ask questions about the story line instead of being rude.

First, I don't think Rik was being rude at all, he was doing what we do on here: give constructive criticism. And may I just say, that Rik is also one of the most respectful people on here, which just makes your defensiveness seem unreasonable.

Second, this video was posted in the 'screening room' which is for works in progress that people want advice about and opinions of. When someone puts something out there on the internet, it is no longer private and anyone has the 'right' in a public forum to say what they like about it.

Oh and thanks for watching my clip. I wasn't actually trying to plug my own videos, I just wanted to make the point that while I give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not affiliated with the OP's short, it doesn't help your case that this is the only thread you seem to be posting in. Just sayin'

One more thing, any artist that is afraid of a little negative criticism (and seriously, people can be EXTREMELY mean on forums, I think Rik was being nice especially by comparison) should get out of the arts. That's a part of it. Not everyone is going to like your stuff, even if you are David Lynch.

Personally, I don't care for Scorsese's films. I think they are boring and too heavy on a certain brand of testosterone. Does that mean he's bad? Absolutely not. And do you think that he cares if I don't like his films? You can bet that he doesn't.

I hope you don't take this post as an attack, it's not. I hope we'll be friends as you take part in our community more :)
@Dreadylocks: By no means am I trying to attack or defend, just trying to understand the way people look at film and the reason for critics. I agree that criticism help us get better and that is what I am here for. I really do respect Rik and his opinions, I am just trying to understand the reasons behind the critique. I believe part of criticism is explaining your critiques to the filmmaker thoroughly and not just saying something negative just to say it.

I am not taking any of this as an attack, just a learning experience on the way people think. I also understand everyone will not like every film, genre, style etc.. And as for that I have only commented on this thread, this is the only video that I have seen so far that is worth commenting on. I have, however, started looking around more and I am getting a feel for this forum and will be participating in more.
Once again we have a major communication problem. I’ve really
tried to clear it up but by saying I “smeared” you and I only did
so because I assumed other people will side with me closes any
door to understanding that may have been opened. And calling my
own opinion rude I don’t see you as trying to understand my
opinion. Calling names isn’t a very open way of trying to
understand people. I didn’t see a story in the posted prologue and
I said so; I said so with respect. Once again I’m sorry that you
feel expressing my opinion is harsh and rude. I have never called
you a single name - as soon as I understood your situation I
admitted I was wrong in my assumption about why you joined
indietalk. An olive branch slapped away with an accusation.

You say you respect me and my opinion but still call me rude and
accuse me of smearing you. Even after admitting I was wrong. I
can’t see that as any sign of respect. I see we cannot find a
common ground in which we can call a truce. And that makes me sad.

I’m a huge Lynch fan. I’ve worked with him (on “Wild at Heart”)
and have spent time with him on a personal level. I was fascinated
by “Rabbits” I feel “Mullholland Drive”, “Inland Empire” and “Blue
Velvet” are among the greatest films ever made.
Dang. Let's move on. This forum is for sharing, networking and learning...as long as people are respectful (which they are and were), there should be no reason to get defensive. This of all places is where you want to hear from your peers what they think...before the public fully sees it. Use us as a sounding board...that's one of the reasons we are here. And to pounce us for doing it is silly.

Akuna Matada.