• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

The Clapper Bored- New/Improved!

@Jeff: Those are amazing and I reckon Bernie has a big future ahead of him! Off-off-Hollywood needs another superstar... ;)

In related news The Clapper Bored (click here! click here!) is still running hard and trying to generate interesting comment. I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read stuff and I even more appreciate those who've taken the time to share the content or comment on it! But I appreciate everyone! :D

We're going to be doing some competitions in the next couple of weeks, so if you want to win an amazing limited edition Clockwork Orange poster then stay tuned! It'll be a UK only competition but I'll ship to the US if any Indietalk member wins :)

Also if there are any amateur (or professional, that'd be good) cryptographers here then I'd love someone to draw me up a relatively elaborate secret code message for another Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy related prize!
Due to a combination of university commitments and Christmas, activity on the site has been down and this makes me frowny :(

So I'd like to invite y'all to visit The Clapper Bored (click here) and perhaps share it with your friends, children and pets.

Also if you want to get involved in ANY way please just let me know. We're a happy family :)
I'm heading back to University in two days time which means that the number of films that I'm able to watch will decline significantly.

If you'd be interested in writing 300-400 word reviews of the latest films (preferably in a funny and informed manner) then that'd be amazing! We publish based on UK release dates (although these are often pretty much the same as the US) so if you're in the US then you'll have a good chance to be reviewing films early.

Similarly, if you're based in London then I can forward you a bunch of screening invites every week, so that you can mingle with the great and good of British film press.