archived-videos "The Casket" DVD is complete!


The Casket is a short produced by Uncovered Productions and Local 57 Productions. Set in Brooklyn, 1948, The Casket is a dark comedy that follows the Estinto family through the hours before the wake of their family patriarch.
Problems first arise when a family friend gets drunk during the embalming process, leaving the body unsuitable for viewing by family members. The religious and cultural traditions of this Italian Catholic wake
are brought to an abrupt halt when Johnny Estinto, the family’s eldest son, arrives home. In a harsh display of honesty, he triggers an unveiling of secrets that no one in the Estinto family has ever talked about.
As tempers flair and truths are uncovered, the family is forced to come to terms with a horrific past and a decision that could change the future.
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Looks like it could be rather good! :)

Lots of attention to set decoration and costume, too. Nicely done.

Not sure that the trailer actually showed the same thing as your extended description of events as written. But no matter... what I saw in the trailer was a lot of good production value in many areas. (Though I think it might be good at some point to rework it, for story-clarity's sake)

I miss NY :(

What's the scoop on the several songs in the soundtrack, btw? Hope that's not going to be a problem down the road, if you know what I mean.

Very good looking trailer you have there. I'd like to see more, for sure. :cool:
Hi Zensteve. Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you about the set decoration. Our art director, Georgia Menides, was incredible. I am glad you liked the overall production value. We shot it all on a very low budget on mini DV with a great crew and great talent. We are pretty happy with the end result.
I actually have been thinking about changing up the trailer a little bit, but it probably won't end up happening because we are getting started on our next project.
For the soundtrack, we are not planning on selling any copies of the DVD, only giving them away so we are looking into what we have to worry about. We'll probably be alright.
If you want to have a copy of the DVD send an email to and we can send a copy out to you.