The "Camera" Question

There have been alot of people lately asking what camera to buy.

Since it is sometimes hard to go back over the posts to find what other people have suggested, I think I might have an idea.

For those of us who have cameras, give a review of the camera. Tell us what you like about the camera, give the pros, cons and if you recommend the camera. Many people have the Canon XL series, some have the DVX series, give your review anyway.

In order for the thread to not become too full of comments, if you'd like, you can send the reviews and recommendations to me in a PM, I'll put the info together in brief paragraphs and post them so that everyone can quickly find the pros and cons and price range of the camera.

I think this might prove beneficial to anyone just starting out or looking to upgrade or if you just want to know. (Especially the price range thing). This way everyone can find out immediately what kind of camera to buy.

Would anyone be interested in a thread like that? Maybe Indie would even make it a sticky. What do you think, Indie???

-- spinner :cool:
I like this idea! When I get my camera (next two weeks) I will review it.

I haven't responded because of the delay in getting the camera.
I test a lot of cameras. I keep a small "data base" of my thoughts that
I paste here when asked. I'd be glad to post it again to include in this if you like.
Where's Knighly with his XL1s testimonial?

What I like about the XL1s:

Interchangeable lens
Inexpensive initial investment (relatively speaking)
Excellent SD picture quality
Full manual control (including custom white balance)
XLR capable (with add-on)
Up to four simultaneous audio sources (with MA-200)

What I don't like about it:

No 24p and a lossy "frame" mode
No native 16x9 (wish I had an XL2, but it's more expensive)
Nose heavy when shoulder mounted, especially with the 16x manual lens
Iris controls are not on the lens
No standard onboard LCD monitor
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No 24p or lossless "frame" mode
Do you mean the progressive mode is telecined to 3-2 pulldown? If you remove the pulldown, I presumed you'd get true 24p; of course you'd have to render to a codec that supported 24p, as DV25 does not. Maybe I'm just not understanding you.
I like the look and feel of the XL1s, I recommend getting either the MA100 or the MA200 for getting professional audio into the camera...even if you're not using pro audio yet, it'll allow you to shoulder the camera much better as the camera is extremely nose heavy.

On set, it just looks impressive, which may not be a big deal...unless you have paying clients. They won't pay nearly as much for a videographer shooting with a little handheld looking camera (even the DVX with its beautiful images looks like a large camcorder to offense to that great camera which has done so much to revolutionize the indy film movement) as they will for a more impressive looking camera. The drawback is that you'll get more attention if you're going to shoot in a more guerilla style.
Do you mean the progressive mode is telecined to 3-2 pulldown? If you remove the pulldown, I presumed you'd get true 24p; of course you'd have to render to a codec that supported 24p, as DV25 does not. Maybe I'm just not understanding you.

I corrected my statement above. I meant the XL1s does not have a true progressive mode. It has no 24p setting (60i only for NTSC) and the "frame"mode is still interlaced (60i). It just simulates the look of a progressive image using software algorithms. It's a lossy algorithm, unfortunately, so you can get the look of progressive scan but you'll sacrifice resolution.

The XL1s is a great "video" camera, but getting a good 24fps film look takes a significant amount of post processing.

The XL2 has a 24p setting (as well as native 16x9 CCDs), but I am not sure how it achieves it. Haven't studied that one yet.
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Hey, Vince. I shot with the original XL1, back when it was new. It was an impressive camera, but I wasn't trying to do any 24p stuff. I thought it had a 24p and 30p mode on it, but just assumed it produced good quality. I know the picture quality of the XL1 was really good and the color saturation was almost too much. We also weren't hung up on 16x9 back then so the 4:3 aspect CCD was not an issue.

Thanks for the explanation. I like to get my facts straight.

I'm still not convinced that 24p is that big a deal unless you're going to be dumping out to film as your output will end up as SD 60i and need to be interpolated to fit.
I'm still not convinced that 24p is that big a deal unless you're going to be dumping out to film as your output will end up as SD 60i and need to be interpolated to fit.

True. I'm just making sure I round out my knowledge and tools because that day will come for me eventually., is the consensus a yes or no? Even today there is another "what do I get" post....

I would be willing to organize all the info, it would help me out to know about other pieces of equipment as well, and give it headings: Canon XL series; Panasonic DVX series; maybe tell who has what camera for additional info for whoever needs it....

It doesn't only have to be cameras....

-- spinner :cool:
Okay :)

Whenever you have a moment, give your review of a piece of equipment, tripod, camera, camera light, edit systems or what have you and send me a PM. I'll organize all the info and post it about the Filmmaking forum and I'll let you know when the first one goes up. Include prices and where you got the 'item'.

If you have used more than one item: both Canon XL and DVX, give your preference and why so I can give pros and cons.

By the way...
If you have a book on filmmaking that you particularly like, "Rebel Without A Crew" for example. Give the title and what it is about and I'll start a list of those as well. I know many of you have recommended some books on filmmaking, screenwriting, lighting, editing, etc. PM me those, too.

No review has to be long, just informative. Remember these are not 'debates', just information from those who have used or read something. With each review, I'll edit the post. I expect the posts will become long as I add to them.

-- spinner :cool:
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