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watch The Biohazard: Part 3

A year ago I started a short film zombie series called "The Biohazard". It's done fairly well on YouTube, and today the third part went live. I've embedded it below, if you have some time give it a watch - i could use the feedback. And if you're really interested i've included the links to part 1 and part 2 as well.

Biohazard: Part 1

Biohazard: Part 2

The Biohazard: Part 3
why did you use noises from the Left 4 Dead video game series? That made what seemed to have the potential for a good short into something awful... plus, you need make-up for the zombies
why did you use noises from the Left 4 Dead video game series? That made what seemed to have the potential for a good short into something awful... plus, you need make-up for the zombies

A lot of the zombies would shout random words (often profanities) during the filming as a joke, so I had to cover them up with something. In part 3, however, I had the actors make their own zombie noises and mostly used those, with a few L4D sounds in there every once in a while. Those sounds, however, were woven in with the audio a lot more smoothly than in the first two parts, so it sounds more natural and less artificial.