The 7 Day Feature Film Score

Only about 7 days work on this particular job. This is the score album for "Death March". Check it out, it's pretty good for a feature film soundtrack on a microbudget. Maybe 20 orchestral themes in this video.

If any other filmmakers want to know how to do this, I'll be glad to help you out. This is hybrid human/ai workflow, with a bit of music theory thrown in.

The significant advantages of this workflow over stock licensing is mainly the ability to create an exact design and theme, a bespoke sound per fiction, as is intended. Unfortunately that used to cost about a quarter million dollars, but starting now it's dramatically less.

There are some mixing and sound quality issues I'm still dealing with, and I mixed the master on this upload too loud, so there's some distortion unfortunately, but I'll be able to smooth most of it out in post, and the issues with the software will likely be resolved within the next few iterations.
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