The 100 SCARIEST movie scenes...

Lots of great stuff in there. #83 is the scariest thing I ever saw. I watched that movie at my grandparents house. There I was by myself in the middle of the woods needing to go to the bathroom, but I just couldn't.

...that's a pretty good list...

the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread was at the end of a Japanese horror film called Audition. will never look at acupuncture the same way again...

--spinner :cool:
There were some moments in the recent remake of Amityville Horror that stood out to me.One in particular was the scene where the little girl climbed up on the roof of the house and was talking to the little girl ghost.Not exactly a typical horror movie moment,but being a parent myself,it put me on the edge of the seat.
#90 definatly scared the begeezers out of me.... one thing i dont see is that flying dog from Neverending Story... that scred the hell outta me!
spinner said:
...that's a pretty good list...

the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread was at the end of a Japanese horror film called Audition. will never look at acupuncture the same way again...

--spinner :cool:

Ahhh, thanks for the reminder Spinner. Audtion was awesome!
When I was a kid I saw a scene from "Triligy of Fear" I think was the name.
It was when the little tiki doll or something was trying to get into the room. It had a spear and it kept pushing in and they kept trying to keep it out.
I'm pulling from memory here from over 25 years ago. Anyway, I haven't seen that movie since.

DAMN! There it is! "TRILOGY OF TERROR" ATTACK OF THE ZUNI FETISH DOLL #49 :scared: :seeya:
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