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watch Test footage of potential super hero web series

Stylistically, you've got a pretty original thing going for you. And overall I think it works.

But, if I may ask, why did you choose to green screen it? It seems to me you could have easily shot without one.
The way the light outlines the actors against the green screen bothers me a lot. The giant space squid is pretty cool though.

I think it makes for an interesting style...
How difficult is it for you to make up a scene that way?

Also, props to your actors, everyone is spot on and their delivery has just the right amount of passive aggressive sarcasm, haha.
Unless the layer halos\are to cover some seam blemishes they could be toned down a great bit if not eliminated.
The faux "walking" in the intro scene was... um... yeah. Unless that's a thematic style you're shooting for, in which case... um... yeah. ;)
Yah, that walking away didn't work at all.

Really liked the rest of it, though. Everything looks just... different. A bit offworldly, yet familiar enough to be normal. Hard to explain. I just dig the style. It's almost comic book land.

Great feedback, you all.

This really helpful!

Thanks so much!

The green screen was to used to be able to create backgrounds and a comicbook feel. Im not sure about whether or not he glow was intentional. I need to check with the editor.

This was a rough cut and eventually it will evolve into something a bit more, but again, this feedback is very good.

Thanks again.
