My newest documentary short is now online 
As always, I thank my fellow IndieTalkers for their invaluable guidance and advice as I worked on this doc. I have been saved many times by you guys! I even think I am beginning to figure out audio alittle.
TENSION HEAD is the band out of Mid-Michigan that I prepared the music video for. They sometimes refer to their music "Trucker Metal". This doc talks about their beginnings, influences and their performances over the 2007 summer months, leading up to the MySpace Demand It! contest they won to gain a coveted opening slot for the band Hell Yeah. (Hell Yeah is made up of members of Mudvayne, Nothingface and the remaining members of the revered band Pantera) Yeah, it was a big deal for them.
This version of the doc, is the short version, 15 minutes cut down from 23 minutes. I will eventually get the longer version up as it will be the one sent to film fests, but for now, Here It Is
I hope you like it... as always, I look forward to your critiques.
-- spinner

As always, I thank my fellow IndieTalkers for their invaluable guidance and advice as I worked on this doc. I have been saved many times by you guys! I even think I am beginning to figure out audio alittle.
TENSION HEAD is the band out of Mid-Michigan that I prepared the music video for. They sometimes refer to their music "Trucker Metal". This doc talks about their beginnings, influences and their performances over the 2007 summer months, leading up to the MySpace Demand It! contest they won to gain a coveted opening slot for the band Hell Yeah. (Hell Yeah is made up of members of Mudvayne, Nothingface and the remaining members of the revered band Pantera) Yeah, it was a big deal for them.
This version of the doc, is the short version, 15 minutes cut down from 23 minutes. I will eventually get the longer version up as it will be the one sent to film fests, but for now, Here It Is
I hope you like it... as always, I look forward to your critiques.
-- spinner
