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watch "Tempterism", "Together Forever" and "The Dinner of Two" - A Few Short Films

"Tempterism", "Together Forever" and "The Dinner of Two" - A Few Short Films

Hey guys, I just signed up here and one of the reasons was for some advice and feedback on my recent film projects. I will provide you all with the links to these three here so if you want to take a look and give me your thoughts, you can. It would be really cool to hear what you think, both good and bad.

I've only been recently experimenting with creating a big link between the audio, visuals and narrative of the film and I try to bring that to the forefront in these films. My most recent one, "Together Forever", is the one I feel best about. A lot of effort went into the cinematography, lighting and sound design of that piece to have the desired effect.

I know that there's a lot of useful feedback I could get for these films, and they're all pretty different from each other in terms of narrative characteristics.

"Tempterism" and "The Dinner of Two" were filmed on a Samsung Mini DV Camcorder (which no longer works, because the latter film ended its life) with sound recording on a Zoom H2 microphone.
"Together Forever" was shot on 16mm film using a Bolex camera and sound recording provided by a Marantz.

They can be viewed at the links below:

Together Forever

The Dinner of Two

Many thanks for taking a look guys, I appreciate whatever thoughts you've got.
You definitely have a lot of good shots on all of the three movies, but the sound is completely off. On the Tempterism one clearly feels that the sound of the steps are coming from somewhere else, making the scene completely award. It would almost be better to get the original sound of the steps, eve if at a poorer quality. I completely understand that you are trying to focus on that particular sound for a reason, but it must feel real.

On the "Dinner for two", the voice over is also an issue. While I'm not a sound guy, it feels too "exposed", in a sense that its too isolated from the scene.
Thanks for the feedback Pedro Monteiro. I appreciate your thoughts about the sound, and designing it in a manner which completely flows with the visuals is one of the struggles i've been taking on since recording sound off-camera! What would you mean by the voice-over on "The Dinner of Two"? Do you mean the music, or sound effects? Some of the sound effects are a bit loud and do not synchronise completely with the image, so I could understand that.

I think recording and mixing sounds at a consistent level is what I need to work on, and finding a wildtrack which gives the sound a good background layer to lay upon.
Hey! You're from Canterbury!

Anyhow i only watched the first one, because my computer is unhappy with video and i'm listening to the tennis, but the audio is definately an issue. If you're recording the sound afterwards, it has to be done subtly. You would have been better off not hearing her footsteps for instance.

Was that filmed during the massive snowfall in January/February?
Hey! Say your post in the other thread...seriously small world dude!

Thanks for the advice on the sound, i'm aware that synchronising the sound for both films is something i've got to work on. I don't think it makes either film unwatchable and i'm pretty happy with the visual design of it but yes, subtle sound design is something I will be working on towards my next project. Do you guys believe the soundtrack worked within the second film? I was pretty happy with it and thought it matched up with the visuals but i've gotten some feedback that it overpowers the image a little, let me know what you think.

And yes, Tempterism was filmed during that massive bevy of snow! I hadn't been able to control the weather, being devoid of godlike powers, but they certainly helped me create that gothic horror tone I was going for!
Sorry for the bump guys - but if anyone else has some advice on these films i'd really appreciate hearing it. I'm aware that my films need work so anything you have to offer would be useful, if you want to. Thanks!