• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

TELLURIDE IndieFest 2005 - "Call For Entries"!

TELLURIDE IndieFest 2005 - Discounted FIRST "Call For Entries"!

Dear Independent Filmmakers and Screenwriters,

We are pleased to announce our FIRST "Call For Entries" into Telluride IndieFest 2005!

The dates for our Year 2005 event are: August 31 - September 4

As well, we have secured *another* venue (The Wyndam Peaks Resort) - which will allow our 'selected artists' to receive an *additional* screening!

---------- To enter, please go to:


and click on "Year 2005 Entry Forms".

DEADLINE for the (discounted) FIRST "Call For Entries":

January 31, 2005

---------- Important Notes:

1) Enter *early* and save $10.00 on your entry fee,

2) Pay with a credit card, and take an *additional* $5.00 off your entry fee,

3) We are (again) *limiting* entries to 1000 (total of all films, videos, and screenplays).

---------- "Dual-Festival" Entry Special EXTENDED:

Yes, it is very-popular (and 'practical') - so, we have *extended* our Dual-Festival Entry Special to:

January 31, 2005

"One entry, into *both* festivals (Telluride and Key West) - for one *low* entry fee."

Just click on the "Dual-Festival" button (on either festival's web site).


We look forward to receiving and previewing your entries - and hope this message finds you well!

Film and Write On,

Michael Carr
Director: Telluride and Key West IndieFests
Executive Producer: Queso Productions




Showcasing the best *independent* films and screenplays in the world - high in the mountains, and by the sea!
When will they ever learn?

Once again... a festival / Call for Entries post without the prices! :no: :grumpy:

Entry Fees:
FIRST "Call for Entries" (January 1 - January 31, 2005)

Films & Videos (61-120 mins.) $50.00, (31-60 mins.) $45.00, (11-30 mins.) $40.00, (1-10 mins.) $35.00.
Screenplays (61-120 pages) $50.00, (31-60 pages) $45.00, (11-30 pages) $40.00, (1-10 pages) $35.00.

Official "Call for Entries" (February 1 - April 30) - add $10.00

LAST "Call for Entries" (May 1 - May 31) - add another $10.00

Final/Extended "Call for Entries" (January 1 - January 31, 2005)

Films & Videos (61-120 mins.) 55.00, (31-60 mins.) $50.00, (11-30 mins.) $45.00, (1-10 mins.) $40.00.
Screenplays (61-120 pages) $55.00, (31-60 pages) $50.00, (11-30 pages) $45.00, (1-10 pages) $40.00.

(Dual-Festival) Entry Fees: Final/Extended Deadline: Jan. 31, 2005
Films & Videos (61-120 mins.) $85.00, (31-60 mins.) $75.00, (11-30 mins.) $65.00, (1-10 mins.) $55.00.
Screenplays (61-120 pages) $85.00, (31-60 pages) $75.00, (11-30 pages) $65.00, (1-10 pages) $55.00.
TELLURIDE IndieFest 2005 - OFFICIAL "Call For Entries"!

Press Release: 02.06.05
(Greetings From Planet Telluride)

Dear Independent Filmmakers and Screenwriters,

We are pleased to announce our OFFICIAL "Call For Entries" into Telluride IndieFest 2005!

The dates for our Year 2005 event are: August 31 - September 4

As well, we have secured *another* venue (The Wyndam Peaks Resort) - which will allow our 'selected artists' to receive an *additional* screening!

---------- To enter, please go to:


and click on "Year 2005 Entry Forms"!

---------- Important Notes:

1) Enter early and save on your entry fee,

2) Pay with a credit card, and take an *additional* $5.00 off your entry fee,

3) We have *not* raised the entry fees for our Official "Call For Entries",

4) We are (again) *limiting* entries to 1000 (total of all films, videos, and screenplays) - and may *close* the event (once this limit is received).


We look forward to receiving and previewing your entries - and hope this message finds you well!

Film and Write On,

Michael Carr
Director: Telluride and Key West IndieFests
Executive Producer: Queso Productions




Showcasing the best *independent* films and screenplays in the world - high in the mountains, and by the sea!
Merged the two threads. Please keep all 2005 Call for entries to your festival in this thread in the Classified Ads > Call For Entries forum. Thanks :)
A Telluride Caveat

Ho there filmmakers,
As submissions manager for the Telluride Film Festival, I'd like to post a quick note to all the aspiring submittees out there to be mindful of the difference between the Telluride Indiefest, and the Telluride Film Festival. The two events do indeed both occur in Telluride, Colorado over Labor Day weekend, but they are two very seperate, very different, and decidedly unaffiliated events. Before you send in either your movie or your money, be sure to check out both websites, and be absolutely sure your submitting to the festival you mean to. There has been a history of confusion here, I'm sure this may save some headaches.

Fortune and glory!

Trevor F Bartlett
Hello Trevor. Welcome to the site. Telluride is a great festival.

Thanks for clarifying for our members.

Feel free to post a call for entries in a separate thread.
