Tell three friends...

I hope this is the appropriate place to start this thread... I just received the following email:

Dear Friend,

The Federal Communications Commission approved new rules that will unleash a flood of media consolidation across America. The new rules will further consolidate local media markets -- taking away independent voices in cities already woefully short on local news and investigative journalism.

Congress has the power to throw out these rules -- and if 100,000 people demand it, they'll have to listen. Click on the link below to sign the open letter to Congress urging them to stop the FCC and stand with the public interest.

--There's a huge push going on to HARNESS the net so that it's no longer a prospective level playing field for independent voices and if you're anything like me... That's why I love the net so much.

As of this writing, there's already 35,221 people that have electronically signed the petition and it needs at least 100,000 to be taken seriously...

Even IF you don't care to sign... Take 10 minutes out of your day and educate yourself as to what Big Media wants to do...

I signed up too, then told five friends using their online form letter.
Somewhat related, I have seen it locally in my town of Duluth MN, the local newspaper bought out two other newspapers and a radio station, and our NBC and CBS stations are now owned locally by one station. That is really sad.
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If you go to the bottom of the page, there is a link that says: "What's at stake". Look there...

I'm going to put together a bulletin for myspace as well...

-- spinner :cool:
Signing an on line petition is fine. But it doesn't
have the same effect as sending a letter.

I know, I know. Who does that anymore?

Exactly. All those "signatures" from an on line
petition aren't wasted, the recipient will take them
into consideration, but just imagine if 200,000
people took more than the few seconds it takes to
click on a web page.

If this is something you really care about, then
send a letter. I sent my representatives in Congress
a letter. Lets show them we care enough about this
to do more than click our mouse on a web page.