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watch "Tango" Music Video

Here comes my amateur opinion: through the first :20 seconds the cuts are too harsh and don't mesh with the music, or with what the actors are doing. Lots of camera shake and general "hirky-jerkyness". Okay what I've already written applies to the whole video.
I don't know if you had anything to do with the choreography, but it wasn't really up to par.
Also the music itself really limited you. I mean come on, it's a Tango.
You expect "BAH Bum BAH Bum...Dada deee dada Dum. This version was really weak IMO. So it does limit you.

Here's a pretty good tango scene


See...there's not a lot of crazy cuts. If the music and dancing are good your job becomes much easier.:)
Here comes my amateur opinion: through the first :20 seconds the cuts are too harsh and don't mesh with the music, or with what the actors are doing. Lots of camera shake and general "hirky-jerkyness". Okay what I've already written applies to the whole video.
I don't know if you had anything to do with the choreography, but it wasn't really up to par.
Also the music itself really limited you. I mean come on, it's a Tango.
You expect "BAH Bum BAH Bum...Dada deee dada Dum. This version was really weak IMO. So it does limit you.

Here's a pretty good tango scene


See...there's not a lot of crazy cuts. If the music and dancing are good your job becomes much easier.:)

thanks for the advice and link, yeah there are alot of cuts, this was due to the shaky camera and DOF being too shallow to keep the dancers in focus. I had nothing to do with the choreography, i literally turned up and shot it on the day. There are hardly any cuts in that Al Pacino scene, the dancing really speaks to the music though so it looks good, also they had fluid head tripods (I unfortunately do not).

I have never been able to view ANYTHING on Vimeo ever.... :grumpy:

-- spinner :cool:

You are missing out on a whole world of film! sort it out