Talent Show; The documentary...

OK, so I didn't want to come right and admit I'm a total newb, but this is the interweb so nobody knowses me... I volunteered to film a talent show (my son will be in, by coincidence) and would like to make it into a "movie" to prsent to the organizers and a few others. It's been "taped" the past few years but no one ever has copies to pass around.
What I need is a few ideas on how to edit/film the event in a way that doesn't end up looking like the typical home-movie. It's not really an event, like a wedding or other party, that can be condensed into highlights... all the kids families will want to see "Johnny" acting like a moose, or whatever... I do have 2 cameras (need 3 or 4???) and am thinking I want to just use multiple angles on the individual acts with cuts back and forth from cameras. Don't see any other options.
And thanks in advance for any input. The show is this weekend (didn't know about it 'till last night) so doing a behind the scenes/practice footage docu seems outta the question right now.
Not implying anything about post.. lol, and what do I do with that one, lone mic.? Oh wait... I have some calls to make, 2 guys who do audio might be able to help out.. hmmmm, sync.ing shouldn't be too bad. Hand claps still ok in place of the real thing????
You could do a lot with the lone mic:

Mic susie's piano,

mic little billy's guitar amp

use the mic for the MC...

mic the stage..

IMO it's better than the camera mic from behind the audience, where undoubtedly you'll pick up Sarah and Jennifer's conversation about Edward from Twighlight more than your kid's performance.

EDIT: Yes hand claps will work.
Main cam will be wide right out front... wideangle/hd. All audio should be fine, will save for back-up use. Will try to get my audio guys on board for the good stuff though. Thanks again for all the helpful input.