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T2i Workflow - PC - Adobe CS5

I am about to shoot a short film tomorrow, and since there's a deadline for submissions to this contest I'm in, I want to streamline my workflow as much as I can.

I'm shooting in 1080p 24p with a Canon t2i.
I need to edit in Premiere, do some light VFX work and color correct in AE, and finally export and upload in 720p HD to YouTube. (Important: My internet connection sucks, so I need the best quality:size ratio I can get.)

If anyone has any advice/tips/step by step, it would be greatly apreciated. I need to know which fromat/codecs to convert to, and what software to do this in.

Thanks in advance!
What I usually do (with CS5) is pull the footage straight from the DSLR into Premiere for the edit. Handles it great, no need to convert before hand.

Once the edit is locked down, copy and paste the footage from premiere to AE a do all your effects and color.

Export uncompressed from AE or, import the AE composition into premiere and work out your sound. If the VFX need sound with them, it's best to render an uncompressed because importing that composition and rendering over and over is a bad way to go. If it's just color work, do all your sound to the original footage and import the composition and lay it on top of the sequence ;skipping an extra render).

Then, export media through media encoder to an H.264 codec. The YouTube HD preset is pretty good for YouTube stuff, I just like to up the audio bitrate. When using a preset, make sure you adjust the framerate to match the original. That YouTube preset is 24fps (your t2i is 23.98) and the Vineo HD preset is 30fps.

Hope that helps man! That's my basic workflow. I adjust it as needed cause no two projects are identical. But yeah, good luck!
Handbrake is awesome, but so is Media Encoder.

I don't think I've ever exported an uncompressed file from premiere? I've never tried in CS5 because I couldn't in earlier versions (or never figured it out). Surely you can, I just got used I working without it haha.