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watch T2i - Promotional Film for Coffee house

Here is a little something which already started rotting and smelling bad on my hard drive, cause it wasn't touched since october!

Anyways, i just came around to uploading it and i think its a cool little promo for them!

Some of the shots I would have done differently now, but i think its still quite lovely!


Phil - I don't get what you are selling.

From an audience point of view, I did not know what to think about it. Was it a commercial for coffee? For a brand of coffee makers?

Also, a tip from the industry: Always put the logo in the commercial for at least 5 seconds or more if you can. When people fast-forward through commercials, the logo being on for at least 5 seconds will leave an impression of at least a half a second so they can see what you were selling them if they are skimming through it.
Thanks Guys.

ROC, there is quite a long story behind this film. It all started with me flying to germany and having a totally fu**ed up shoot for a Flight school (Finished film: https://vimeo.com/30762885). The flight instructors wanted the film but apparently didn't have the time, and the organisation was totally bummed.
So, without planning and without being paid at all, i shot this film for this small cafe. There was no specific thing to shoot, just to capture everything in the cafe and have them decide what they like!

That's it! I am grateful for your feedback! Thanks!
I liked the film, but I think if the message is to covey an inviting atmospher for customers, I would have mixed in a few shots of the seating area, with people conversing and drinking coffee. I think it was well shot though.