editing Syncing Sound and Picture Question


I just finished a shoot and i need to sync up the picture and sound which was recorded on DAT tapes. any advice on how to do this and where to go? like a post-production house or maybe an editor w/ his own equipment? how much does this stuff cost?

Am I correct in assuming you don't have any editing software?

Any post house in Los Angeles will do it. You can expect to be
charged anywhere form $30/60 an hour up to several hundred.
Since it's "grunt" work - no creativity involved - this isn't something
too many people will do for free.

Who will be doing the edit? Perhaps they will include the syncing in
their deal.
Am I correct in assuming you don't have any editing software?

Any post house in Los Angeles will do it. You can expect to be
charged anywhere form $30/60 an hour up to several hundred.
Since it's "grunt" work - no creativity involved - this isn't something
too many people will do for free.

Who will be doing the edit? Perhaps they will include the syncing in
their deal.

i am still looking for an editor. it seems like the best option is to just hire an editor who has access to equipment that will convert from DAT to digital sound files.