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watch Sword Fight Club 2

Hey all!

So I got a group of friends together (again) to make a sequel (because why not?). If you haven't seen the first one, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq-o9TKVtRo

For the sequel, my aim was to be funnier and faster-paced (the introductions in the first one dragged on, I know). I'd like to hear people's opinions on what could further be improved (either generally or specifically), as I'm obviously still trying to improve. As always, tear it apart with criticism. Thanks!


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I cut together a quick blooper reel of a few of the moments that happened while we were shooting. There weren't as many bloopers as the first one because we shot this video in less than half the time that we took to shoot the first one. Nonetheless, here it is:

