Surround Sound Mic


I was looking into some different equipment and came across the surround sound mic. Is this necessary for recording ambients? Usually I would throw up a stereo pair but this sound pretty awesome. Are there any decent mics for the budget audio recorders?

Also I thought I would throw in I am looking for a field recorder around $1000.00. I was thinking the tascam DR-680. Any suggestions?

Ambience/BGs are constructed, not recorded. Unless you are a working audio professional there really isn't much need for a surround mic in your kit.

Any reason you need eight (8) tracks in the field? Plus the fact that you really should use a mixer when working with the DR-680. You may want to consider the Marantz PMD-661, Tascam HD-P2 or Fostex FR-2LE (two tracks - under $800) or the Edirol/Roland R-44 ($1k). You should also look at the rest of your sound kit to see what else you need. You should look at the Oade Brothers mods, too.
Ok so stereo ambience it is.

I'm actually just upgrading the recorder from the DR-100. I use a SD302 mixer. Just wanted a better sounding recorder and more options then the DR-100. No need at all for the 8 tracks I just suggested since I like tascam as a company.