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watch Surf movie

I put together a movie from a surf trip to El Salvador last month. This is my first one and there will probably be more in the future. After making this video, I definitely see some areas where I need improvement but I'll shutup and let whoever wants to critique.

Feel free to be share anything you notice. The more I hear now the better my next video will be. Thanks.

It shuts down my QuickTime player (running Windows Vista; latest & updated QT player)

The video is very "blocky", with a few flashes of green from time to time; then the whole thing closes. (Opening titles run fine, then issues start at first shot of guy standing on beach). Makes it about 20 seconds into the video, then crashes.

Big-ass file, btw. Almost 200mb. No idea how long it is (can't get Inspector window open before it closes), but a more web-friendly compression would be nice.

If you get a working (for me) export going, I'll happily watch again. :cool:
Btw, were the original export settings the same as the ones you used, in that light-test with your sister? 'cos that one plays fine.
First let me say that I LOVE the hip-hop soundtrack. Usually if you see surfing you expect to hear Dick Dale or the Beach Boys. I loved difference and I'm not even the biggest hip -hop fan in the world.

Also, considering that it was 8 degrees outside where I live it was nice to see this, it makes me think warm. I am already sick of snow and we haven't even hit the worst of it yet.


The shots and color are gorgeous! If it were possible for you to get closer, I would suggest to get some close ups, but I realize that you can only do what you could do. I wouldn't take my camera out there either :no:

Your shots were kind of long. Try to vary the shots more. How about shots of people heading into the water, paddling out and waiting to catch the waves. Also, you are on the beach. Are there any people on the beach with you, around you? Any kids? Dogs? (Nice birds though) Sometimes its better to make the video shorter with all the best footage than to let the shot sit so long, but you have to use your own judgement on those and do what you think is best. I did like the plant life you included. Very pretty

The shot going up the stairs made me a little dizzy.

Not a bad video at all! Man, its cold in Michigan!

-- spinner :cool:
Spinner, thanks for the feedback. Shots could definitely have been shorter. As far as the distance goes, that surf break is almost 250-300 yards out! I believe I was fully zoomed most of the time, which made it difficult to keep a steady shot. I also could have gotten more shots of my surroundings (i think I actually thought of this at the time but I was afraid of missing good surf footage).

I'm waiting for someone to point out the dark look to it. I had the shutter speed and aperture as high as I could the entire time. I started out like that as a test so i could do extreme slo-mo and I ended up leaving it like that. I guess I just like the look, BUT I don't know if that is what people want to see in surf videos. Hence the reason, I'm looking for feedback.
Zensteve do you have the latest version of quicktime?


Actually, the issues I had trying to view it got me to update all my software today. (Lots of backlog). I figured that might help, but it did not.

After updating everything, I still couldn't view it. Weird, considering I can see the other upload you did.
Just to be sure...

After compressing to a LAN file (on compressor) am I supposed to be uploading only one file? Because I noticed when compressing to other types, there are sometimes multiple files.

Just wanted to see if I was making a careless error...