archived-videos Supergun's Pepsi Commercials

Back in Sept/Oct the Youngcuts film festival held a Pepsi Commercial Contest. We shot two in one day, edited them together quickly and submitted them. Needless to say they were rejected by Pepsi. I can understand why.

Pepsi Commercials:

I have an affinity to the second commercial myself. The crew was pretty much me, Chris Bohren, Bill Stepec... Trevor Matthews showed up for a few minutes during the first commercial to cameo. Geoff W. Meech did all the editing. The second commercial is shot by yours truely, while the first was juggled between Bohren, Bill and myself.

Note: Pepsi probably doesn't like these commercials, or agree with the subject matter. That's why they didn't win. We can understand that. It's all good. So don't make any associations; it's all for fun. ;)
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While both are just cracked, I too prefer the second one. It seems to have a better story arc. I loved the surprise ending. :) You are twisted man, completely twisted. In a good way.
haha, the second one is rediculous. Pepsi's just a bunch of conservitives! Man, I wish I could see what the Firefox video entries are like...
FilmJumper said:
Definitely the 2nd one for general purposes but the first one has... Has... Something. Something. LOL.

It's not even finished- we were supposed to get this guy with a deep voice to do V.O's as the Pepsi Coach (like "C'mon movie lad! You wanna live forever!"), so when the marathon man drinks him he'd be like "No! Don't drink me! Please!". Never got around to doing that though, because by the time it was edited, it had to be sent off. Oh well. Still fun to watch.

I can understand Pepsi's reaction- when Peter Bailey from Youngcuts saw it, he said it was the funniest thing he'd seen, but there jsut might be a target audience which could take offense to it. Fair enough.

Thanks guys.
Hahaha! Good stuff as always man. The first one has something indeed, but the second is brilliant from concept to execution!
DirectorX said:
Hahaha! Good stuff as always man. The first one has something indeed, but the second is brilliant from concept to execution!

Funny enough I had storyboarded and semi-planned out the first one, while we came up with the second one on the spot. Bill and Chris had schedules that overlapped for an hour, so while Chris and I finished up some shots for the first one Bill strolls in. We were just talking and hanging out in the garage because it had started raining, putting a veto on filming for the moment. It just so happened an old wheelchair-dolly was in the garage with us and inspiration came like hot melty butter. In the end, the first one was overplanned, and because I couldn't be on camera the whole time (it was a two-man crew with a third stepping in for cameo) I couldn't control the quality. We got the last shot of the first commercial as the batteries were running out- hence the crappy exposure ("Crap! Ze Batteriez!" "Film it! Film it! Go!").
I posted the second commercial on Revver recently, and it's been out-preforming all my other videos in half the time!

Go watch it again, for the first time: Click here.