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Super Marady World!

Please check out my Youtube channel, Super Marady World!

I have been filmmaking for ten years and making Youtube videos for three years.

This channel is a project I have only been working on since February, 2012. I only have a few subscribers and I'm looking to build up my audience!

My channel will feature:

-Personal vlogs
-Makeup, hair and style tutorials
-Clips of my daily life in Canada
-Dare videos
-Skits, sketches, etc.
-Pets and animals!
-Music and dancing
-Vegetarian and vegan cooking

I am very audience-interactive. If you subscribe to my channel, I will most likely sub you back! I reply to comments and messages. And I love getting audience feedback!

I already have a bunch of videos on my channel, so please check them out and tell me what you think!!

Check out my channel here:

Check out my Twitter here (this is heavily associated with my channel):

Thank you!!
