[super 8] camera advice


I'm new to this forum and I'd like to ask you your advice: I'm from lisbon, portugal and do video but I've recently discovered the magic of celluloid... and I want to purchase super8 equipment.
I need a camera that can work well under low light, with as most manual control as possible, with good lenses and reliable... I mostly film outside and always black and white... don't need sound as well. any suggestions? nizo's? btw, power comsuption would be nice as well... maybe I'm asking too much :huh:
thank you very much in advance...
I can tell you a bit about the camera I have - I can't compare it, though, as I don't know much about other cameras.

Canon 814 AutoZoom. Ir runs on 4 AA batteries.

It's got a pretty decent lens. 7.5 to 60mm, with 1.4 glass.

Focus, aperture & zoom can all be done manually.

You can film at 12, 18 & 24 fps on it. I just stick with 24fps. The place I develop & transfer at charges a bit extra for 18fps, and don't do 12fps at all.

Aperture can be set to automatic, if you really want. The auto-zoom is handy for steady-speed zooms. I don't really use either of the auto-settings, though.

You can screw on filters (58mm thread - conveniently the same size as my still camera's)

I think I paid $100 for it, on Ebay. Other people have mentioned that that might be a bit high, but the camera has been a trooper and never failed me yet - so I'm happy with that.

I mostly film outside and always black and white

You're limited to two film-stocks by Kodak, then.

Plus-X is the typical choice for daylight, or Tri-X for lower light.

I dunno what you're options are for processing & telecine in Portugal.

Anyways... that's all I can speak about, really. :)
omg! sorry for the thread hijack but can you please direct me to a place that will develop/transfer super 8? i shot two test reels and i dont even know if the camera works because i cannot for the life of me find a place that still does this!

also if you haven't already check out onsuper8.org
direct me to a place that will develop/transfer super 8? i shot two test reels and i dont even know if the camera works because i cannot for the life of me find a place that still does this!

The place I use for telecine is Yale Film & Video.

The actual processing is a bit trickier. It depends on what kind of filmstock you have. Many places are different in what they do.

If you shot on old K40 stock, you need to send it to Dwayne's place. That's the only option you have, in the entire world. (They also do 64T... but that's it)

Yale (linked above) only develop Plus-X, Tri-X & 64T. They stopped doing colour-negative shortly after I took my last batch there... coincidence?

You'll likely get some suggestions on where to send your film for developing if you list what type it is.

It's not unusual to have it developed at one lab, and telecined at another.