Summer Films

So, warm weather makes me think of bikinis and also great summer movies. I wanted to know what movies everyone is looking forward to this summer. Maybe something is off my radar that should be on it.
I have a soft spot in my heart for popcorn movies even if I know they're bad (Suckerpunch being the exception... God I was disappointed in that), and it seems like the only movies coming out that I'm interested in are popcorn movies. I'd like to see if there's anything off my radar as well.

As far as what I'm interested in:

I love the Pirates of the Carribean franchise, so I'm looking forward to On Stranger Tides.

The Hangover 2, even though I'm expecting there to be a significant dropoff in quality from the first one.

X-Men First Class. I'm hoping it will be better than the third X-Men movie which I though sucked hard.

I'm somewhat interested in Super 8 but I wouldn't say I'm eagerly anticipating it.

I still haven't seen the last Harry Potter, but once I do I'm sure I'll be excited to see the new one.

Captain America - I've never been a huge fan of the character but after seeing the trailer I want to see this.