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watch Summer Expectations VS Reality

I didn't 'steal' it?

Either: 1. You created the song in which case it's yours or 2. It's not yours but you have permission to use it or 3. You are stealing it!

I didn't claim it was mine.

What has that got to do with anything? Is it legal to steal a car as long as you don't claim it's yours?

Oh, and it was under 10 seconds long, I don't think Macklemore will care, if anything, he will be grateful for using his song on a video!

What you think is irrelevant, you don't get to choose whether or not Macklemore cares what happens with his music. It's Macklemore's song and he gets to choose how his song is used, not you! That is the law! You specifically stated "I am being careful with what I'm putting on my channel", either that was a lie and you are using someone else's work without permission out of ignorance of the law or you are deliberately stealing someone else's work, which is it?

"I am being careful with what I'm putting on my channel"

Meaning... I am being careful with what I put on my channel.. I make sure I don't offend anyone, I make sure I don't use 30 seconds or more of copyrighted material and I make sure the videos I put obtain my partnership guidelines. I know what I am doing, I have all the rules and regulations in black and white signed by myself and my current partner. I didn't steal anything, I bought Macklemores song anyway if that makes a difference...? Probably not according to you.. Oh well, have a good day!

So, none of what you stated is why I said that line.

Stop 'trying' to be clever, just give up and don't reply now. I've got better things to do right now. Get a life man, go live a little!
"I am being careful with what I'm putting on my channel"

Meaning... I am being careful with what I put on my channel.. I make sure I don't offend anyone, I make sure I don't use 30 seconds or more of copyrighted material and I make sure the videos I put obtain my partnership guidelines. I know what I am doing, I have all the rules and regulations in black and white signed by myself and my current partner. I didn't steal anything, I bought Macklemores song anyway if that makes a difference...? Probably not according to you.. Oh well, have a good day!

So, none of what you stated is why I said that line.

Stop 'trying' to be clever, just give up and don't reply now. I've got better things to do right now. Get a life man, go live a little!

You can use 30 seconds of someone's content if you are critiquing or reviewing the content they created. You would know if you watched the puppet video youtube promoted and put up on their channel. It doesn't really matter though, because of the amount of views you have. Once you reach 301 views, your video gets reviewed. I take it that you didn't watch "why do views stop at 301?" that a member of youtube helped out with.

I'm not sure what you mean by "trying to be clever". Am I trying to be clever? Please elaborate.

It drives me nuts when people say "Get a life!" over the internet. You don't know what I'm doing right now. And I'm living. I'm on vacation in Cali right now :cool:

People like you annoy me. When we give you advice to improve and stay out of trouble, you get mad, defensive, and say things like "Give up and don't reply!". Learn how to take criticism and advice.
Let's just summarise that all and say I wasn't replying to you, I was talking to "AudioPostExpert".

I'm glad you're living your life!

Good thing I wasn't talking to you in the first place!

I can take criticism and advice very well thank you very much, do you know me well enough to say that? People like you annoy me when I reply to you with a fair point, you call me 'mad' and 'defensive'.

Anyway, I wouldn't class anything you two have said to me as helpful.. More useless.. Because I know what I am doing, you don't know what I am allowed to do.

I know I keep going on about it, but my Partner has stated so many things, and not once (even when I do go over 301 views) have I obliged to anything!

Now please, continue with your wonderful vacation in Cali, or you can waste it and annoy 16 year olds over the internet, you choose!
I am being careful with what I put on my channel.. I make sure I don't offend anyone,

OK, so it was the first choice then, you are using it out of ignorance! In which case this statement I quoted is a lie because you have NOT made sure you are not offending anyone because you have not bothered to seek permission to use someone else's work!

I know what I am doing, I have all the rules and regulations in black and white signed by myself and my current partner.

Your partner is not the copyright holder of Macklemore's song and has no authority to say how much of it you can or cannot use. If you and your partner sign an agreement in "black and white" that it's OK to go and rob a bank as long as you don't take more than $1m does that make it legal to go and rob a bank and only steal $1m?! Come on, this isn't rocket science, grow up and stop breaking the law!!!

I didn't steal anything, I bought Macklemores song anyway if that makes a difference...? Probably not according to you..

So now you don't even know what you've bought, a fool and his money are easily parted! You did NOT buy the song, you only bought the right to play the song yourslef in private. You did not buy the right to copy, re-distribute or broadcast the song. This is not according to me, this is according to the sales agreement when you purchased the music and according to international copyright law!

I've got better things to do right now. Get a life man, go live a little!

What, you've got some more theft planned? I suggest you get a life, for you it should be easy, you can just go and steal someone else's!

I'm not sure whether you really are as stupid and ignorant as you're making out or if you think I'm stupid enough to believe your childish justifications for using other people's work?
