Submitting multiple edits to film festivals...?

Hello all, I guess this counts as a newb question - So, my movie has had a lot of edits over time, and I'm finally settled on one that's around 34min long... The movie at this length is on line now, and I'm currently submitting it to festivals... But there is an older, shorter edit of the film, that kinda works on it's own, and has played at two other festivals before that I would also like to continue to show... So my question is what do I do? Would it wrong to try and show two different versions of the same movie to different festivals? Any help would hugely appreciated. Thank you so much!
All the best,
There's nothing wrong with it. First of all your movie comes first. Don't let anyone dictate your edits but you. Second of all it's fine, just don't mention it. For example if they ask if you have won previous festivals say "Yes" not "Yes but it was a different edit."