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submit my screenplay! but howe?

i just gotsta submit my screenplay! but howe?

i rote the story but not the screenplay (cuzzz my spelling is bad ;) lol) and i want to submit my screenplay too produsers so i can direct! (or thay can i just want $$$$) :yes:

do i need summery? log line? a statemint?? do i send to produkshun studio? how do i get them to read?

i rote an art screenplay. rated nc-17 or xxx :yes:


Reach inside my invisible pocket and pull out $5million fairy pesos!

"Edna! Gimme Glockenschpielberg on line one! Suzie! Gimme Jonny Williams on line two! Scratch that! Justin BEAVER! Gimme Justin Beaver on line two!"

Stevie, please PLEASE PLEEEEEEEZE insert your PDF into the DVD burner and rip me off a copy to the post orifice EEEEE-mediately!

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i just gotsta submit my screenplay! but howe?

i rote the story but not the screenplay (cuzzz my spelling is bad ;) lol) and i want to submit my screenplay too produsers so i can direct! (or thay can i just want $$$$) :yes:

do i need summery? log line? a statemint?? do i send to produkshun studio? how do i get them to read?

i rote an art screenplay. rated nc-17 or xxx :yes:
I am tempted to call "troll" but this is exactly how Stevie writes
in all his posts.

Stevie, there are a few people who post here who will disagree with
me so I'm sure you would rather hear from them. However, I'm
going to answer based on my experience.

If you want to get a producer to put up the money and pay you for
the screenplay and to direct it you will need to write a properly formatted
screenplay that is well written - including proper grammar and spelling.
That is important when asking a producer to read your script.

If you feel as some of the others do (look at posts from trueindie and
maralyn) that proper spelling, good grammar and format is not needed,
then you can sent what you have right now to producers. You can look
up producers on line as well as production companies. You do not need
a summary or a logline or even a well written script. All you need (according
to some) is a great idea and story.

I happen to think excellent presentation is essential.
i got a frend to rite it so the spelling is ok and then i got a copy editer. :D just want to no wuttt too send and it i hav to inclood like a log line or summery or :cool:

not gunna send a pdf i only send print
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i got a frend to rite it so the spelling is ok and then i got a copy editer. :D just want to no wuttt too send and it i hav to inclood like a log line or summery or :cool:

Okay then.

You need to send a "letter in inquiry" first. You will hear the
term "query letter" - they are both the same thing. That will
include a logline, a brief synopsis and a little about yourself.
Do not send a script until asked to send it.