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Subaru Film Competition

CootDog said:
I will not be able to send in anything... But DO let us all know when it's up so we can vote... Thing is.. It's wrong of them to only put up one entry.. I'm sure there's more! You have all the rights and releases to your :30 correct?

Too bad Coot. I agree there's something wrong there when there is only one entry. I guess they could be waiting until the deadline is over then they'll put them all up. You can't tell unless they respond to e-mail.

I should have all rights to the film, though you have to use their logo in it, so 25 seconds is still mine if they don't meet their end of the bargin.

I'll let you know if and when it comes up...and beg for votes!!

CootDog said:
NEW MOVIES ARE UP!! Which one is yours?

They STILL don't have mine up!!

My 30 sec is called "Space".

I guess it'll be up in time to not get enough votes. RATS!!

cibao said:
I guess it'll be up in time to not get enough votes. RATS!!

As long as they got your short, I think you're still ok. The rules say this:

Rating period will be from 11/1/04 – 12/31/04. Any submission that has not been rated by a minimum of 10% of the site registrants will be reviewed and rated by the judges.

I entered as well, but I just sent my entry last monday. I basically ran out of time and sent what I had even though I wasn't happy with it. Mine is not up yet either. Keep an eye out for it. It's called "Lucky Sevens" Hopefully they'll post ours early next week!
CommanderGoat said:
As long as they got your short, I think you're still ok. The rules say this:

I entered as well, but I just sent my entry last monday. I basically ran out of time and sent what I had even though I wasn't happy with it. Mine is not up yet either. Keep an eye out for it. It's called "Lucky Sevens" Hopefully they'll post ours early next week!

That's a good point CG. Maybe it's going to the judges anyway, so why worry.

Good luck CG. Hopefully if it isn't me it'll be you!

CootDog said:
so let's see them. Give us links!

The only thing I can do is a link to the script...

Neither of our films are on the site yet. I thought about putting it on my website, but I'm afraid that even if people like it, and they see it on my site, they may forget or just never get around to voting for it when or if it makes it to the Subaru site.

I got to e-mails from the webmaster, both saying that, in essence, they don't have any communication with the contractor who's setting up the videos...I don't know what that means either.


P.S. But thanks for your interest Coot!! If it never makes it to the site, I'll put it on mine so at least you can see it!!
cibao said:
I thought about putting it on my website, but I'm afraid that even if people like it, and they see it on my site, they may forget or just never get around to voting for it when or if it makes it to the Subaru site.

Yeah...that's a good point. I was going to put up a link, but I think I'll wait until it gets posted.......

cibao said:
I got to e-mails from the webmaster, both saying that, in essence, they don't have any communication with the contractor who's setting up the videos.

..if it ever gets posted...