archived-videos "Stragglers" trailer

Wow! Blown away!

It looks really good!!
I have to say. It's the kind if films i would go see at the theatres and good trailer- didn't reveal too much or how it ends.
I was wondeing if you shot on digital or not? Where did you shoot the film, and when or where is it screening? Do you have a site for the film with more info? Are you going to sell the film?
Me and my husband just finished our project, and we are premiering next month in Montreal.
Our last name is Friedman too! :D

To answer your questions...

We shot on DVCam and MiniDV, partly in Atlanta, but mostly in a small town called Lula, GA in the North Georgia mountains.

We're finishing up post-production now and we should be done this month. We plan on screening it in Atlanta before the end of the year, but we don't have specific details yet.

We'll be putting up a website with more information soon and we definitely hope to sell it. We're also going to try the festival circuit...

Thanks for the comments. Good luck with your film. Looks like it could be pretty funny...

- Mike.
Really liked the trailer.

If you shot it on DVcam and DV, what postpro techniques did you use? It looks like it hasd a film quality in some shots.

pokewowplayer1 said:
Really liked the trailer.

If you shot it on DVcam and DV, what postpro techniques did you use? It looks like it hasd a film quality in some shots.


Since I didn't edit it, I can't really explain what all was done, but our editor did a TON of work on it in post. Basically, tweaking a lot of things directly in Final Cut Pro 3. Deinterlacing the frames, tweaking the gamma, adding grain, etc... I'm not an editor, though, so I don't know exactly what he did.

Glad you liked it!

- Mike.
movieman said:
I'd cut the talking out and just use the music, fx, and screams.

I'd leave the talking in, but I'd bring the actors in and record it in a studio like environment (even throughing blankets up on the walls of your bedroom). It sounds like it was recorded it a small room with little sound proofing. Also, the line "When they get here, what do you think id going to happen?" is delivered so stiffly. If you only redo one line, let it be that one.

The sound has been compressed to make the file size smaller so more people can view it on the web. That's why it sounds so tinny. In the actual trailer and the film itself, the sound is much better.

- Mike.
Definitely a lot clearer version.

I'm not sold on the VO though...

A little he asking or pronouncing with his question 'What do you think is going to happen?'

It's a little awkward in my he knows but he's asking a question...

I know it's a bit nitpicky but just my opinion.

I like some of the shots though and the make-up effect on Mr. Friedman is pretty wicked...
