Storyboarding software

Hi. I want to create storyboards from JPEGs I exported from FCP7 and am wondering what the best way to do this is. I was going to teach myself enough Adobe InDesign to do this, but I wonder if there is a better way. I did a search for free storyboarding software, and am wondering if anyone has any experience, recommendations, cautionary tales, etc. re this effort of mine. Thanks.
I would use Celtx. It's indie software and I like supporting small time developers. It comes with screenwriting as well as storyboarding tools. It works on Mac and PC, and the pro version is 15 bucks.
Print those exported jpegs, and draw on them with a pencil. Or use a sheet of tracing paper over the top, and draw on that. Or use a plastic overhead projector transparency sheet, and draw on it with dry-erase pens of various color. When you're happy you could scan those back into your computer.

The best tools for storyboarding, really are a pencil and pad of paper.
I boarded my feature with pencil and paper. Then, I scanned the whole thing and cut then boards to scratch dialogue in FCP7. Scanning & cropping took much more time than I anticipated.

My colleague recently introduced me to MangaStudio. He's using it to board action sequences for a major motion picture. I was floored with how nice it was; much like Photoshop but designed for the illustrator. Full featured,,excellent brushes, and it only cost about $35 on Amazon. Yes, thirty five dollars.

If I was going to make a proper "illustration", I'd still probably grab my Ticonderoga before the Wacom tablet, but I'm hoping that Magna Studio speeds up my film prep.