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watch Stop Motion - Clay Animation, 2nd attempt!

Hi again!!

Some of you may have seen me post a short clip of 'Claymation' when I first begun to develop interest in this style of Animation.. (Here it is)

It's been about 6 Months and I recently finished a 2nd attempt at it, in the form of an 'August Burns Red - Marianas Trench' Make your own Video contest. So sorry if you don't like the Music, I couldn't control that part.
I took all feedback recieved into account making this one (Thanks guys!!).

I spent 1 month all up from Set Design to Post Production.
I'm not entirely happy with the end result
So not sure how well I'll do in the Competition and could use some support on the actual Youtube Video for that, if it's not too much trouble.

I'm happy with a few of the scenes and think my next attempt will be less rushed and more polished.

Going from a 11 second Animation to a 4 minute+ Animation wasn't wise. But a good lesson for me to learn.

Anyway here it is:

Direct Link to Video on Youtube

As mentioned earlier, I could do with some support. But all feedback welcome!
As well as ideas for improvement or things you'd like to see Animated next.

Here's a small look behind the scenes for those interested in how much work goes into something like this (However bad it may be).
These are all the same 24 Image sequence (1 seconds worth) slowed down to clearly show the difference.

1st is as it appears when i'm Animating;

2nd is after removal of the 'Rig' in Photoshop;

3rd is Chroma Key'ing of the Green screen in After Effects;
I remember your first attempt at stop mo and am very impressed with this second project. With the measure of progress you've made with just two exercises, I can appreciate just how good you're going to be in the future. I've done a couple stop motion pieces myself and can surely understand the long and hard work it involves (reasons I've turned to cel, instead :)), so I salute you.

In regards to movement, you've vastly improved and you definitely seem to consider the 3 dimensional aspect of moving your puppets in space and time, moreso than the initial project. You're doing the right thing to improve...just keep doing these studies.

In regards to the formal, filmic aspect, (I've only viewed once, so this is just a quick observation) thing which sticks out most for me... too many fade to black transitions.

I think you're well suited for stop mo.
Hey nice one! I thought you did a good job of coming up with something that fit the music. A few shots were a bit too dark for me to tell what was going on, esp. the very beginning. I didn't like some of those fady camera shake effects you were doing, but it did seem to fit the music, so who can fault you?

But yeah, really great job! You've really gotten a lot better since your last project :)
Yes, there is a marked improvement and the behind the scene version is invaluable info. I only hope my project this summer works out this well.

Keep us posted!
Dude, that's awesome. Huge improvement. I don't think it was a mistake, at all, stepping up to 4.5 minutes. I think the 5-minute range is a good one to stick with. Make a few more at that length, work on your technique, etc.

Very cool. I hope you enentually end up doing longer pieces. You can do some trippy stuff. And, the behind-the-scenes stuff was interesting to see.
Thanks for watching/noticing improvement! Definately encouraging.
I can't analyze this attempt personally, because it pains me to watch it.

Though Cinematography is something I need to pay more attention to next time.

@Graeme, I'd love to hear more about your upcoming project. Really enjoying seeing others' Stop-Mo works.

The competition ended with 80+ entries, and they're still yet to choose winners.
I don't think I really have any chance though.

I have lots of little stories/sketches in my head I want to bring to life, so i'll put this behind me and start working on them.