Sticky - New Screenwriting Search Engine

Hi Guys,

I'm trying out a couple of new ways of locating good screen writing articles on the web... and I've found two.

The first is the new thing called a swicki... it's a customisable search engine that specalises in finding one kind of information and learns the more it's used.

I've already loaded it with several year's worth of research into the best sites... but the more people who paste it onto their sites and the more people who use it, the better it'll get.

If you want to give the widget a go ... here's a link to the code.

Screen Writing Swicki

The next is another widget, which collates all the RSS feeds from the Scribosphere

For those of you who aren't familiar... Scribosphere was a site that linked hundreds of screenwriter blogs so you could see at a glance who is writing what... there are quite a few major league pros involved in Scribosphere... so it's another great resource.

The link to Scribomatic is here: Scribomatic

Hope you find these resources useful
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