I posted this before, but not on this site.
I looked at my script for the film I want to create and it's so...bland. Lifeless. It feels like any other story out there. I want to be different, and not the same.
How do I make my film stick out? How do I make it something people will always remember?
Any tips, thoughts, suggestions?
I'll have to agree with oakstreetphotovideo here but to take a couple of steps further...
Characters, Story, Structure.
Your characters have to amazing and jump off the page. I like to call them quintessential characters. Figure out what kind of character they are and then figure out how to make them quintessential.
If you need a refresher on quintessential, no problem. Just
click here.
A word of caution... Quintessential doesn't mean cliché. Figure out the ESSENCE of that KIND of CHARACTER and, as oakstreetphotovideo said, perform your due diligence. Character biography. Backstory. Know your characters as well as you know (or think you know) yourself.
The next thing to concentrate on is STORY. What's your story about? Is it also bland and lifeless? If so, you're gonna have to kick it up several notches. The very best way to get going is to take your
Protagonist and put him or her through events, obstacles, and story elements that require maximum effort to proceed through the story. In other words, don't be easy on your Protagonist. Be hard on him or her. It's okay to like your Protagonist but sometimes writers like their protagonist so much that they tend to make things too easy on them and hence, the story becomes bland and lifeless.
Structure... This is simply getting the maximum benefit out of your story. Putting your story elements into a logical yet entertaining order for maximum audience impact.
And once all that is done more times that I care to talk about here and now -- do what Indietalk said.
REWRITE... Then rewrite again. LOL.