Stick Figure Animation

During the movie Trouble (lead) makes up stories. I'm thinking I'd like to have stick figure animation in the background while she's telling her tales.

Is there any software that makes this easy? Or can this be done simply another way?
Well, if you can draw your stick figures and you don't want to animate frame-by-frame, the only thing I can think of which would be helpful is Adobe Flash. Just google flash animation or youtube flash animation tutorials and that should give you an idea of what it's capable of(there are several cartoons out on tv now that are all animated in flash, so it's actually quite powerful if you know how to use it).

This may not be easier, per se, because you'll have to learn how to use a program(unless you know flash already), but once you learn it, it will definitely be easier than animating frame-by-frame.

On a side note, have you ever seen that disney channel show 'lizzie macguire'? They did something a lot like this with the main character of that show.
Digging around I found.. Pivot Stickfigure Animator have no idea if it works, is virus or what..


have you thought of video game maps and skins? Maybe not stick figures, but certainly easy animation..

or perhaps second life?

Drawless animation.. is probably your best DIY bet. Cardboard cutouts on sticks that you act with on various backgrounds...

Also, look for animators that want reel credits! Might get some good jibjab or exactly what you want.. for free.
Thanks I'll check out Pivot, and I have no idea what video game maps or skins are. The last video game I played was Ms. Pac Man at 7-11 back in the 80s. I have honestly never gotten the infatuation with video games. I loved pinball as a kid and still play once every couple of years. But, hundreds of dollars for a console and then the games. It seems way over priced.

I will probably see about getting someone to do animation once the project gets underway.
got it..

I was watching my 7 year old draw a comic strip in almost real time yesterday, and I though.. hey even a pack man playin Luddite could do something like that..

He lined out a bunch of 1" boxes on his paper (very iffy on the 1" ) and started drawing stick figures doing stuff. Just a few lines etc.. he completed the entire sequence in about 15 mins.