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watch Stereoscopic 3D animated music video: "Everything That Grownups Know"

Quick bit of background: I'm a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist who has jumped head first into 3D stereoscopic animation. As in, hand-drawn limited 2D animation, but assisted with a computer and rendered in stereoscopic 3D. (Think Yellow Submarine being viewed through a ViewMaster, and you're halfway there.)

Instead of releasing my next album as a CD, I decided to take on the challenge of making a stereoscopic animated video for every track on the album. I plan to release a 3D blu-ray instead of a CD when the project is complete.

The latest video I finished is here:


You will need red/cyan glasses to properly view the 3D effect, but you can turn it off by clicking on the 3D button on the YouTube player and clicking "Turn off 3D" from the popup menu.

I'd appreciate any comments/critiques you have. Although I probably won't be changing much on this particular video (I spent the last five months (!) on it), your critiques may help with the remaining videos.

Thanks! :cool:
Wow, that's much more sophisticated than your previous one, "Smitten". :cool:

I'm still not sold on 3D, though. Are you happy enough with the animation in general, before adding 3D to it? I mean... can the video stand alone in 2D, for you & your audience?

I plan to release a 3D blu-ray instead of a CD

Is that cost-effective? How much would an album be?

Also... if someone buys the BluRay, how do they load just the audio songs onto their Zune or iPood?
Wow, that's much more sophisticated than your previous one, "Smitten". :cool:

Thank you, Zensteve!

I'm still not sold on 3D, though. Are you happy enough with the animation in general, before adding 3D to it? I mean... can the video stand alone in 2D, for you & your audience?

When I write and record songs, I have 3D daydream-like visuals in my head. Being able to share what I'm imagining visually as well as sonically is exciting, so naturally I'd want to make the animation in 3D to reflect that.

The 3D -- watched under the right circumstances, like on a large projection screen and shutter glasses -- provides what I think is an immersive experience. I do believe the 3D helps pull you into that world *if* you're able to perceive it (about 5% of the population isn't able to process 3D images properly). So the 3D isn't tacked on as an afterthought, but an integral part of the concept -- this *is* what I was seeing in my head when I was writing the song! :)

That said, I've received very favorable responses from folks who have watched this particular video in 2D, and I'm glad that it connected with them, even if they're not seeing it under what I'd personally consider ideal visual circumstances.

Is that cost-effective? How much would an album be?

Also... if someone buys the BluRay, how do they load just the audio songs onto their Zune or iPood?

I'm already giving away the Smitten 3D mp3s if you make a post about them on Facebook or Twitter: http://www.simplecarnival.com/souvenirs.php#smitten3d

As far as blu-ray replication costs, I haven't looked into that because I know the price will come down by the time I finish the project. I do believe CDs are pretty much dead, as most music fans I know get things digitally, and often for free.
I agree that you've improved from the last time! The song is nice, and pretty jazzy...have you listened to Aztec Camera? That's what it most reminds me of, so good work there!

As far as costs (I don't know how far along you are, and how far you are planning on going), like anything else that depends on how much you do. I was curious and did some digging; much like cds, for replication most places won't take an order less than 1000. Estimates I'm seeing are $1.5-$2 without packaging, $2.5-3 with (better price break for over 1000, of course), plus shipping.

That said, duplication (on bd-rs) isn't too bad. Discmakers has 100 for $479 http://www.discmakers.com/selfservicequoterbeta/bluraypackages.aspx $5 a disc is not too unreasonable at all!

Personally, I still like cds, but I still like records too, so there is that ;-)
I agree that you've improved from the last time! The song is nice, and pretty jazzy...have you listened to Aztec Camera? That's what it most reminds me of, so good work there!

Thanks! Yes, I do like Aztec Camera (I have High Land Hard Rain and Stray). I never considered them as an influence, but if you hear them in that song, great! ;)

As far as costs (I don't know how far along you are, and how far you are planning on going), like anything else that depends on how much you do. I was curious and did some digging; much like cds, for replication most places won't take an order less than 1000. Estimates I'm seeing are $1.5-$2 without packaging, $2.5-3 with (better price break for over 1000, of course), plus shipping.

That said, duplication (on bd-rs) isn't too bad. Discmakers has 100 for $479 http://www.discmakers.com/selfservicequoterbeta/bluraypackages.aspx $5 a disc is not too unreasonable at all!

Yeah, those prices sound like what I would've guessed. I'm probably two years off from finishing off everything, and I've seen so much drop in price with regard to blu-ray and 3D stuff already. It's only going to get cheaper and more commonplace. I'd imagine blu-ray replication will drop in price as well.
Vinyl, baby! I heard on the History channel that MP3s only contain 5% of the actual sound/data that comprises an actual song! That's how compressed music is once it's on an MP3. Nothing beats vinyl!! But personally I think 3D is a gimmick... just here for the music, which rocked by the way!