Starting young...

I would like to say "hi" to everyone here. This is the NUMBER ONE BEST place I have found for filmmakers. I am looking forward to learning and helping out if I can. Just a heads up about the "starting young" comment, I am a freshman at the Cambridge School of Weston, the only high school that I know of that offers intensive visual arts (read cinematography) in the state. My first class I believe is "the language of film". School never looked so good to me.
Help is always appreciated,

Welcome, I am also a freshman in high school. But, you are lucky that you have such a cool film program. My school has a t.v. station, and you can learn camera work there. All we have is film appreciation really.

Have fun!
My high school never did invest a film course, just a T.V. Production class. There were only 3 people (myself included) who enjoyed the class and there were only 5 people :grumpy: I don't want to go into televsion, of course, but it was a good starting point. I'm glad someone has gotten the privilege to take a film class. Have with that and welcome! :D
Wow, I never expected to get so many friendly and cheery hellos. Thank you everyone, and I am glad that you find my schools film classes as exciting as I do. In fact, there ae three seperate digital filmmaking classes that last over a month each. There are also photography and developement, screenwriting and just about anything related to visual arts. You can guess that my schedual will be rather full.
In 1983, the closest thing we had to a film study class was taking a bunch of slide pictures with a 35mm camera and setting them to music. LAME!

Welcome to the board Rivet, enjoy your stay!