Stanley Kubrick's Boxes

Okay, here's a heads up:

For those of you who like Stanley Kubrick, there is a documentary called Stanley Kubrick's Boxes that is coming on tonight on Sundance Channel. Appearantly it is about what was found in boxes in Kubrick's home after his death. The boxes contained "detail oriented work, the methodology behind the perfection of his films"...

...sounds pretty good, comes on at 9:00pm Eastern....

-- spinner :cool:
Didn't read this until it was too late...drat. Kubrick has long been my favorite director. How was it? I see it'll be on again December 25th at 5:00am and December 31st at 1:30am.
Didn't read this until it was too late...drat. Kubrick has long been my favorite director. How was it? I see it'll be on again December 25th at 5:00am and December 31st at 1:30am.

It was interesting :)

For every movie Kubrick worked on, he had boxes of stuff that he was thinking about from locations to fan letters. He seemed to be a very meticulous person, almost strangely so. But geniuses are like that right? A little eccentric? Those who are obsure can only expect to be considered strange....:D

-- spinner :cool:
They make a big ordeal out of him collecting mass amounts of photos of locations. I don't see the big deal at all, especially for a filmmaker. I have literally thousands of location shots, most without people in them, of places I have travelled around the world. The only difference is that mine are stored on a computer and not in a room full of boxes. I guess that makes me eccentric??? People love to talk about Kubrick and his obsessive compulsive traits.
that's the cost of celebrity and fame. After a dozen visually ground breaking films, they'll probably want to exhume your computer too ;) As a matter of archaeology, researching the boxes and their contents before they got moved was a good idea. I would rather they had a trained archaeologist/anthropologist do it rather than a docu filmmaker, but the filmmaker was probably the "Right" choice considering the subject.