archived-videos "Space" is on

Since it was only 30 seconds, I didn't have enough time to put a disclaimer at the end...NO FAMILY MEMBERS WERE INJURED IN THE SHOOTING OF THIS FILM!

That's more than you can say Will!! :yes:

Poke said:
Good stuff. I think the spot could have used some music though.


Thanks Poke. I did think about putting in some music, but I decided I didn't want to take away from the dialog and voice over. I could've gone either way though.

It works fine without it, but there are some instances where the spot lags a bit because it has no music underneath.

Good idea though, and in the advertising industry, ideas are king.

Will Vincent said:
This is true Chris.. I can't say that.. since I injured myself. ;)

How is the ol' noggin Will? As long as the worst that you lost is blood, things are okay!

I got an e-mail today saying that the voting has been extended until January 31. So please vote, and vote often...anyone from Chicago? I could use a few votes from the deceased! :yes:

cibao said:
I got an e-mail today saying that the voting has been extended until January 31. So please vote, and vote often...anyone from Chicago? I could use a few votes from the deceased! :yes:


Geez...I'm getting killed on this competition. Whenever I make a move upwards or others go down, BAM, reversal of fortune. I have a feeling that there's more voting happening that's voting ones for everyone but the one that they want to win. Not really fair, but I guess the rules allow for it.

Coot, is yours up yet?? I want to give you a vote too. Let the judges decide!

I hope an IndieTalk member wins the Subaru contest. Good luck to all!
Hey, think of it this way ... last place is the FIRST loser.

Seriously, without failure where would we get triumph? Do not quit. Learn from every experience, even the crappiest of the craptastic ones.
