Sources for archival footage

Hi everyone,
I know I asked a while back about the whole "fair use" idea with archival footage, but I'm not all that certain about it, and at this point I want to try to err on the side of caution. I'm not looking for generic stock shots or silly stuff or anything, mainly historical news footage, either from TV news or from newsreels. I checked out this one web site that I heard about in Moviemaker magazine,, but for this one project I've thought about doing, they don't really have what I'm looking for. I thought about making a music video on the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's death (I wouldn't be using copyrighted music) but I wanted to see if there was any way I could get any footage from the night he was shot. Would the Vanderbilt archives be a good source for that, aside from having to pay a ton of money to the networks? Forgive me if this sounds silly, and something tells me the answer is going to be very obvious, but I just thought I would ask anyway. Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks very much. I already looked there, but I'm not sure if they have anything there, either. There was one Beatles-related item in the Timothy Leary collection, this PBS documentary about the making of Sgt. Pepper, but I'm not sure about the legalities.