archived-videos Sound Unseen Trailer (6.6MB)

Hey all... a couple months ago I got the chance to help on a 35mm shoot for a trailer. The trailer was entered into a contest and won, and now it will be playing in front of every film in the Sound Unseen film festival (all about underground music).. the detail is not as clear at this size, but wow.. is 35mm sexy or what?

I can't seem to get the embedded player to work, so here's a link:

The girl at the beginning has NO EYES! (look close or you might miss it)
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In case you're wondering I was a PA / extra.

Trivia: In the first shot of people sitting by the stage, I think my head is the furthest to the edge on the right all the way in front by the stage... And the blond girl up front in the middle in that same shot is the lead actress in the film we just shot last weekend. AND... earlier the shot of the guy in the back of the truck.. off the road to the left you see two people walking, and holding hands.. the girl (shorter one) was our makeup artist on the film I just mentioned too.
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Looks good :) And yeah, after working with all this standard def digital crap, some nicely shot 35 is refreshing.

Is this a trailer for them to find funding for a film, or is it some type of ad? The end card looks kind of like an ad but I wasn't sure. The trailer actually moved a little slow for me to tell you the truth but I liked it :)
It's the clip they play before each film at the festival.. so it's not to get funding or even an ad really.. but I guess if anything it would be an ad for the festival you'd already be at when you see it. :)

Speaking of.. can't wait.. I get to see it on the big screen in a couple hours.. WOOHOO!
I have to disagree with homeslice up there, I thought the pacing was great. Very smart, not so "in-your-face" 2-3 second cuts that you usually see these days. It lets you take in the info and soak up the style and mood of this strange world you've invented. Very cool.

What I really have to complement you on, though, is the cinematography. The lighting, shot composition and shallow focus on the closeups were absolutely fantastic. Also, very nice warm wash over the whole thing.

So what did you use to shoot it all? How long was the shoot? And did you storyboard at all?

-Stacy Davidson
Like I said.. I was just a PA..

But, I'll answer the questions as best I can.. it was shot on 35mm (not sure which stock) with an ARRI (not sure which model.. but I think it might have been the 435)
It was a one day shoot, better part of 16 hours or so I think.. not sure as I was there at 6:30am and left around 5pm before they were finished.
Yes, I believe the whole thing was storyboarded.

Anyhoo.. I can't take any of the praise, as all I did really was put together a fence that didn't get used, and lend the back of my head to a shot. But it was a cool experience and I'm glad I took the day off work to do it! :)

Oh, and it looks a million times better on the big screen with proper lighting and such..
That was a great trailer/advert.

It wasn't really clear on what it was selling/promoting, but stylistically it was awesome.
Yeah it's kind of a tradition to make as little sense as possible with those festival promos. I guess since the people are already there, they know they're gonna see something, might as well make it weird. That being said, this one was a lot more straight forward than some. The promos at SXSW last year were just flat out bizarre. They also lacked a whole lot of decent cinematography. I suppose you could say it was a style choice to go "documentary" with them, but I was much more impressed with the look of this music festival promo. Just awesome.

Oh, sorry I didn't catch that you were a PA. Still, thanks for all the info.

Well, yea it is a bit bizarre, style and technical skill withstanding... but, it DOES fit the theme of the festival.. Sound Unseen... they have no eyes, and so they communicate with their 'audio goggle' things..

Apparently they're talking about making an extended version of this thing. I'd be curious to see where it goes, I'll keep you all posted if/when I hear more.
To be honest I think theyve got a good start for a sci-fi/action flick somewhere between the Jules Vernesque style of Wild Wild West and the Matrix.
i think i've woken up like that before....
i liked it, bizarr just enough to keep my attention for the entire duration.
I really should get my A.d.d checked out
I've gotta agree with Zensteve about the great style. It makes me pine for more and makes me yearn for a reason for the town to have "thumpin eyes". Great look both technically and visually and tonally. What festival was that for? Looks like the Twin Cities.