editing Sound/Music Transitions

Hey guys, first of all sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum.

Anyways, I am working with Final Cut Express 4 HD now, and when I edit my videos, they look 'fake' and 'dull'. I started watching shows on TV and noticed that the main reason was because I didn't have enough background music, and usually when the shows on TV switch scenes, there's a brief 2 second music that plays (with rhythm of course). I know they create the soundtrack themselves, but is there any way to get some free simple basic ones online?


I can also play around with Garage Band, but I'm not that good at it. I'd prefer a download :)
FCE4 comes with soundtrack which has loops and stuff you can use like garage band. When you are done editing the short, you can select all and file > send to... > soundtrack. It'll come up as a multi-tracked project with all of the audio tracks you have in FCE in soundtrack and you can just add to those. Then you export a mix and it's back in FCE as a stereo track.