
I've got my Panasonic DVX100B, and I am in the process of installing Adobe Premiere Elements 7.

I have to learn how to use both. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to do some filming of nature. Gonna ride around looking for anything that catches my eye.

Then it's going to be time to play with the software.

Any suggestions you guys might have for this Newbie flying solo, would be greatly appreciated.


Use the camera, use the software. Watch tutorials and read manuals, talk to people about specific aspects of production. Really, you just have to practice and gain experience. Time put into doing something is what makes you good at it. The more time and experience, the more you learn and become comfortable, then things become second nature. It's really pretty simple. Nothing fancy, just have fun!
All I can say is make sure you enjoy it if it bores you or if you start hating it, your doing it wrong, Grasp every second of it and love it even the crazy annoying repetition of editing just try look at everything positevly and NEVER think about the finished product till your almost at the end because if you keep looking at the finished product you get so demotivated that your not there yet and feel like your getting nowhere. So just focus on the little things you do
and you will enjoy it much more.

Thats just my opinion but if you dont enjoy it. dont do it.