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Sony Vegas Black Screen

Has anybody else had this problem?

I’ve been saving up my test footage from my 60D and I came to have a go at editing it yesterday. The only problem is, my Vegas is only showing a black screen. The sound is there, only no picture!

I thought it may have been because I have Vegas 7, so I thought it may not be compatible being relatively old. But people online seem to think it’s due to the Quicktime update. They are saying you need to downgrade, but I can’t find a download for an older version!

Anybody had this problem and figured out an easy way to fix this? I don’t mind having to convert the videos, but I’d like to keep them at HD. Plus, right now, I’d rather not spend the money on Neoscene. Any other thoughts on this?

Do you get the black screen when you are attempting to video capture or just launching the software?

Also, tell us about the computer you are installing it onto.

Vegas can be slow loading onto old computers with slow processors by today's standards and lack of memory.

There may also be a conflict if you have similar software from other vendors.
Well, the black screen appears on the thumbnails, the timeline and in the preview.

I’ve had Vegas for a couple of years now, hence the old version, and it’s worked fine with AVCHD video before. The video from my 60D is Quicktime MOV. I’d have thought this was compatible with Vegas, since exporting in this format has been fine before.

The computer’s old-ish, so the video runs slow occasionally, but I don’t think that’s the problem. The best I can tell, it’s the new version of Quicktime that came with iTunes 10. But then, if that were the case, I’d have thought it would have affected everybody’s Vegas. Are you a Vegas user?

Anybody any ideas where I can get an old version of Quicktime?
I've had this problem with .MOV files on Vegas, not all the time but intermittently. When I use Neoscene from Cineform to convert my raw files, it is corrected.
Urainum: I did think that would work, but as it stands, I don't want to pay for Neoscene if it's not neccessary. I can't test this either, as I already took the 30 day trial!

Lcaz: How do you downgrade Quicktime? Do I need to uninstall it and reinstall an old version? Where do I get the old version from?!?
How about upgrading to a newer version of Vegas if you don't want to downgrade QuickTime? I have Vegas 9 Platinum on a Pentium III 550 Mhz desktop computer running Windows XP and that runs modern QuickTime fine. It just runs slow. Vegas may take 15 to 20 minutes to launch. On my Dual Core 2 portable workstation I have Vegas Pro 8 and it launches in under 2 minutes with modern QuickTime. I also use a Canon HV30 with it and it captures in HD res I use avi to render with. QuickTime blinks with black screen, but goes away. I've clocked the Dual Core 2 to render 5 to 10 times faster than the Pentium III for the same footage. So, processor speed matters, even for video capture.
How about upgrading to a newer version of Vegas if you don't want to downgrade QuickTime? I have Vegas 9 Platinum on a Pentium III 550 Mhz desktop computer running Windows XP and that runs modern QuickTime fine. It just runs slow. Vegas may take 15 to 20 minutes to launch. On my Dual Core 2 portable workstation I have Vegas Pro 8 and it launches in under 2 minutes with modern QuickTime. I also use a Canon HV30 with it and it captures in HD res I use avi to render with. QuickTime blinks with black screen, but goes away. I've clocked the Dual Core 2 to render 5 to 10 times faster than the Pentium III for the same footage. So, processor speed matters, even for video capture.