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SONY PRO VEGAS 9.0 trial

Thanks everybody. I went with the Sony Vegas Pro 9- but the trial version. The trial version lasts 30 days. It will be compatible with a regular version in the future- right?
It is a great program- but I have afew questions. People have been very helpful here.
1) I wanted to shorten the frames for about 3 minutes worth of frames. They are still fotos and the frames are 5 seconds each, so it is too long and is boring. I wanted to isolate those first few minutes and reduce - all at once- the frame length from 5 seconds to 1 secound for all of them- at one shot. How do I do that?
2) I also wnated to add music. A song while these frames pass. I cant import audio because the options for import audio dont open.
3) How can I add youtube videos to the file?

Thanks a million all

You just need to play with the program a whole bunch. These are rather basic operations (the first two), once you understand the basic framework or the software. Also, the trial version IS the full version, only that it will stop working after 30 days, unless you purchase and activate it.

1) You can change the length of a clip either by dragging the end-point in the timeline, or by changing in/out points in your preview window.

2) You're doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I don't have Vegas in front of me, and I don't remember exactly how it's phrased, but somewhere in the main menu, there should be some kind of pull-down menu for "import--media".

3) That requires seperate software, and you're probably breaking the law.
You can change the length of a clip either by dragging the end-point in the timeline, or by changing in/out points in your preview window.

Is there a way to select many frames at once and change all of their sizes in unison?
What is the technical name for this, so I can search for it in the " help " and on YT?
I am aware that my film knowledge is far inferiour to the members on this forum. I have been playing with this program, to no avail.
I have right-clicked and highlighted the frames I want to quicken, then went to Project Properties and adjusted the frame rate, but it appears to be the same speed. Suggestions on
quickening about 3 minutes worth of frames. I fear if I shorten the frames one by one each individual frame will not maintain the same length. Tip?
still fotos and the frames are 5 seconds each, so it is too long and is boring. I wanted to isolate those first few minutes and reduce - all at once- the frame length from 5 seconds to 1 secound for all of them- at one shot

I'm no expert at Vegas (I only have the trial install, coincidentally) but here's one way.

Delete (from the timeline) the pictures that you want shortened.


Options >> Preferences >> Editing >> New Still Image Length (with entry box)

Set that for 1 sec (default is 5)

Place those images back into the timeline (either by doubleclicking, or group drag/drop) and they will magically be 1 sec each.

There's probably a way to change duration in the timeline, but I ain't lookin' that up. :)
When you say each frame, are you talking about the video clip (which is made up of x frames per second)? Or are you talking those individual frames within each video clip?

1. Do you want to simply chop a boring part out of the clip? That's a simple case of using the slice tool (have the marker in the timeline on the spot you want to slice and press 's' on your keyboard). Once you've separated the clip into parts you want and parts you don't, just select and delete the parts you don't want. Don't worry they will only delete from the timeline and not from your computer :)

1b. Or are you asking how you can speed up a clip so you still have all the action w/o cuts but it's moving faster? To do that (at least the way I do it) is to hover your mouse over the beginning or end edge of a clip. Hold down the ctrl key and you'll see the cursor change to an arrow with a squiggly line. Then you can squeeze it shorter and voila! Just be aware that you cannot do this infinitely, it will only let you speed up up or slow it down so far.

2. You import audio the same way you import video. There are several ways to import media: you can click on the file tab and select the one that says import media or something similar. -OR- you can click on the explorer tab to find the files and drag them into the project media tab (or directly into the timeline). -OR- you can open up the files in windows explorer and drag it into the project media tab or directly into the timeline.

3. I don't think Sony Vegas supports .flv files.