archived-videos Commercial


I had the opportunity to be a sponsor for a cable TV show, so I made this :30 second TV spot to air regionally. It features the Mighty Micah Jenkins as a rabid Sonnyboo fan and a voice over by George Caleodis.

It's shot with a DVX100 in 24P mode and the graphics work was done with Adobe After Effects and Ulead Cool 3D.
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Love how the guy is brushing the street with a toothbrush!

Yeah, that image has been stuck in my head for about 2 years and I finally unleashed it on the world. That image of some crazy loon with a toothbrush trying to clean the streets has been something I wanted to do because the image has never left my brain. I can't explain it, but I think it's funny. Glad to see other people "get it" too.

I have had this idea ever since I did some TV commercials & bought time for the client for only $.97 per :30 airing. ever since then I have wanted to do a Sonnyboo commercial just because it was so damn cheap.
Yeah, that image has been stuck in my head for about 2 years and I finally unleashed it on the world. That image of some crazy loon with a toothbrush trying to clean the streets has been something I wanted to do because the image has never left my brain. I can't explain it, but I think it's funny. Glad to see other people "get it" too.

Yeah, I certainly understand images in your's the voices that make me mad!

Nice commercial I've got SonnyBoo stuck in my head...but .95 cents for a 30 second commercial...where do you get that from?

Yeah, I certainly understand images in your's the voices that make me mad!

Nice commercial I've got SonnyBoo stuck in my head...but .95 cents for a 30 second commercial...where do you get that from?


Buying :30 second TV slots from the cable companies, depending on the channel, can sell for dirt cheap (under a $1) and there's this sales thing called "Cable Insertion" which I learned is NOT a euphemism, but in fact is really inexpensive air time on cable TV networks where they just plug holes where they didn't sell the time slot for full rates, so they don't leave it blank, they want to put a TV commercial in it. They sell these in bulk, but you never know when it will air and you can't pick the TV shows specifically. It's like "Okay you can have a spot air between 6:00AM and 12:Midnight on a Thursday on MTV2 for $.94 each", but you also have to buy a certain dollar amount on various networks to get the good rates.
Actor George Caleodis and I recorded his V.O. in two improvised takes. I found it hilarious and that was one of his toss out gibs.